What drives you nuts?

I have heard of that and I wonder if I have it. Things slamming, babies screaming, and dogs barking for no reason drive me up the wall.

Edit - i thought it was a general sensitivity to sound


I just read your post about doors-that bugs me out too. I lived in a garden apartment and they have to be the worst because the walls and floors are paper thin…talk about a bad time :expressionless:


Lying. Especially a government that constantly always lies about everything. :lying_face:. And then they lie about their lies that they lied about. And when the media call it a falsehood when it is a down right lie. Call a lie a lie. I can put up with most anything especially with my new calm flexible sober self. But lying almost, just almost, drives me to drink. But drinking wouldn’t stop the lying so not point in drinking to get over it.
Sorry for the rant


I used to live in a neighbourhood like this!!! I didn’t have my own dog anymore at the time but I walked dogs for other people and the struggle is immense! Just clean up please? I used to find used condoms, pads, diapers, half smoked joints and empty cans in my front yard. Nothing like nearly stepping on human body fluids first thing out the door :woman_facepalming:
Feel your pain!..Also pet your dog from me!!

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People that do not actually work the program of AA / NA just mimicking and memorizing a few quotes out of the big book and then want to give their advice to any and all as their lives and emotional state continue to spiral out of control.

Wishing all a beautiful Saturday filled with peace and serenity.
But for the grace of God go I.


don’t talk about McDonald’s please its not a good time and I’ve just discovered I’ve probably got yet another addiction. :grin:

Yes but this to shall pass.

The nut truck. But it doesn’t drive the nuts to me directly. There’s a complex system of packaging and distribution and eventually they end up at my grocery store where I finally collect them.


People who don’t stop for pedestrians crossing the street. Especially at cross walks. I don’t pray for bad things but I would understand that if karma catches up to them and it wouldn’t bother me. My rant. God bless.


People who don’t mute on Zoom.


Hahaha…so true!

We had a Robin that would fly near a basement window at least a dozen times per day and saw its own reflection. So of course it decided to attack itself. Mind you that window is under our 5 month old’s room. Damn birds!

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I can relate. I have a woodpecker that pecks at the roof gutter every morning. It starts at 6 and lasts a few hours. The pecking is so fast and annoying. I don’t understand why he chooses my metal gutter over all the trees in the area.


The masses are asses my friend!! That is why

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Lies and the lying liars that tell them

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Perhaps it’s a drum solo for the ladies. Metal, of course.

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Here in my country situation is fucked. Two last Health Ministers quitted. The justice minister quitted. And State Governors are doing enforced Quarentene/Lockdown like. The President is not helping… So basically the government is driving all of us insane… Plus having to deal with all the deaths from friends and on the other side some people saying “It’s just a cold”. WTF!

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:rofl: I know exactly how you feel. For some reason I’m always glad it’s my neighbors house and not mine. But that sound? I know that sound so well. I’ve had people ask me “what’s that noise?” Stupid metal pecking wood pecker. :rofl:

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Where are you where you’re president is driving you crazy ? Is he a lying treasonous orange :poop: lying to you with every word coming out his ass? I think the politics of the whole work is gone to shit now. If everyone would just be nice and think how their actions affect other people and mind their own business.

Is it just me or am I getting old? I can’t seem to open anything these days.