What I'm Listening To Right Now \m/

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In Rainbows by Radiohead


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A little vintage Garage Rock. :+1:


I guess you can’t share music through your Spotify anymore?

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I had the same issue. I did a youtube link instead

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I hate that :woman_facepalming:t2: but I can do YouTube I guess


I wholeheartedly concur with #s 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10!


You. Damn. Right! (About Sabbath) :metal:t2:


Never gets old!


Amazed to see this on here. Totally cool though!

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Amigo is hitting the vibe tonight! Be advised he is spooky creepy :rofl:

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Hi All,

Music is a platform that I often work emotions out through, a note or verse can tap my soul better than Reiki. When you hear something that somehow reverberates inside you it’s hard to stop obsessing about it, but maybe that’s me? I always have lots of favourite songs that come and go, flow and ebb, but they never leave me.

They are like friends (frenemies) that I visit often to strip bare my skin with and sit next to. Sometimes they raise me up, sometimes it’s like sitting in low wave stomach queasy fear. I have very strong visceral reactions to smells as well; they are like a vinyl groove pushing me along a neural pathway towards an emotion. I used to obsessively watch movies and make sense through that and it’s only now I realise that I’ve always have a detachment to self, some sort of dissociation that keeps everything arms length.

Anyway. What’s playing on your current heart strings?

I’m feeling this at the moment, no idea why, it makes me sad and a bit tearful?! Trying to figure out why.

Rina Mushongo, NarciscO


There are a few dedicated music thread. To keep things tidy I moved you to this one.
There is also Anthem of the Day (Part 3) and Froot Loops :notes: so you can connect with more sober music lovers!