What is "happiness" to you?

couldnt agree more


Ya it is. I just cried yesterday when I got on a post to put in my opinion and read someone else’s post about “being afraid of sobriety” and it hit me hard. I started balling. Thinking about it now and I’m not sure why. Guess I didn’t know I was afraid to enjoy the sober life.
Crying gets the bad out.
Enjoy it.


Beautiful pic. Is that Santa Monica beach looking toward Malibu? If it is I miss it. Good luck in your recovery. Keep God involved. He must have a plan for you. A good plan. Just read you bio. He’s got your back. Keep coming back. Maybe find some good meetings. You deserve a break and you’re worth it, being clean and/or sober.


When my three kids are all in a good place like they are now.

Sitting with my warm cat Daisy on my lap every morning while doing devotionals. Cat zoomies. The unconditional love of my dogs. The time during the day when each cat comes to me and snuggles or tamps or even takes a little nibble on me. Not being in physical pain. Not having the urge to drink today. My 2002 manual M3 Laguna Seca Blue convertible. and it still runs like a cat. And all the other Blessing God has given me.


Written by me, February 2018. It is October 2021. 2 years and 8 months and i am still struggling to be clean and sober. Why do these substances have such control over me? What do i gain from this shame and frustration towards myself?

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Happiness is my family. Enjoying the small things and noting them. Living in the moment. Seeing my boys grow week by week.
Appreciating my wife for the wonderful woman she is.

Laughing. Loving. Living

This all falls apart with the introduction off booze

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Thank you for sharing! What are some small things you noticed today? Down with booze! Ugh

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It’s only 7:43 in the UK but so far…

Waking up at 5:45 feeling fresh. Having a cup of tea in bed with my wife and a chat. Driving to the bakery to get pastry’s for breakfast for the family.

Waking my 8 year old boy up by singing ‘this is the day that the lord has made’ and tickling him.

These small things go unnoticed by many of us and I can be guilty of it but working on mindfulness and being present in the moment allows you to appreciate the smalls things that make up life in my opinion.

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To put smiles on faces instead of tears

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