? What is this?

This embarassing to say, but I’ve had diarrhea since I got clean just over 2 months ago… Is this normal?

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My DOC was the same as yours and I didn’t experience this honestly. Have u gone to the doctor to see what’s going on? I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for u. All I know is that this did not happen to me.

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Depends. What was your DOC?

I was a boozer and it was the other way around. Got solid after I got sober. But some people on this thread experienced what you are, kind of. They had trouble with poops until they got sober.

Like @Butterflymoonwoman said, the doctor is always a good idea for stuff like this. Especially if it’s persistent.

I’d think after two months clean it’d level out. Not everything’s due to our pasts, may be worth checking out.