I’ve had beers Every Friday night as my work week wind down for the past 25+ years. Weekends are the hardest.
What do you drink /do to replace the habitual alcoholic work week wind down?
I’ve had beers Every Friday night as my work week wind down for the past 25+ years. Weekends are the hardest.
What do you drink /do to replace the habitual alcoholic work week wind down?
So my way isn’t necessarily healthy, but it’s better than booze. I drink energy drinks or mountain dew. And yes in case you are wondering I am in fact a ten year old boy.
Ginger ale - the bitey-ness of it helps me A LOT
Arnold Palmer half and half has been my go to drink.
Zero calorie for the normal days…the loaded calorie for when it gets rough
Making it yourself is also delicious.
Diet tonic with a slice of lime
Very true…but the can is the size of a tall boy…so it helps with that desire to have a can in the hand
30/70 Pomegranate juice and club soda or water. Jocko White Tea, or water. When out with friends and family and they are drinking, I order coke or club soda.
There’s also a good tea thread on here If you search for it! I find tea is good bc it can wake you up or calm you down. And plus…people obsess over the cultivation of and classification of tea like they do beer and wine…so if that depth of knowledge part was a “thing” for you in drinking life it might help! Also…I know it’s not a drink…but on the weekend I let myself have desserts that I never used to…it’s a nice way to unwind…not the healthiest…but I figure it beats cocaine and Cabernet for the time being
Good luck❤️
Kombucha, but it has a lot of sugar so now I’m on pure water lol
Maybe Ginger Beer would be a good substitute.
Me, I drink a LOT of club soda or sparkling water.
I also drink NA wines…but that is not a popular choice here.
La Croix. I even put it in a cozy. #basicbitch
Water. Teas and coffee. I don’t want anything to imitate or remind me of alcohol.
I have a hard time finding drinks too. I had gastric bypass surgery so I can’t handle carbonation or sugar. Once in a while I’ll allow myself a ginger ale but I almost always vomit. I’ve taken to muddling fruits and herbs into my water. It’s something, right?
early on, GT’s synergy kombucha.
now, just a few flavors of LaCroix
I love, like mentioned before I guess , herbal tea and actually almost all kinds off tea. For special occasions I like ginger beer or my favorit mix cherry juice with a bit of banana juice
Sugar free red bull!
Coffee, coffee, coffee, flavoured club sodas, herbal teas galore, low cal cranberry juice with Stevia and an occasional diet cola.
There’s lots of great ideas here: