What today had in store for me ending it with 4 days!

Today, now at four days sober! I woke up a little later than I should have and I didn’t have night terrors. (Which is amazing since I tend to have them every night and multiple different ones). I got up though made my bed again and took my medications. I then had a healthy breakfast of yogurt with granola. I don’t really like yogurt but it wasn’t that bad. I followed that with a nice steam shower! I was so tired after the morning and helping with my nephew and going to lunch with my mom and having my 4 month old nephew with us at lunch. When we got home I actually slept when people should nap early afternoon. Got up and helped make dinner and cleaned up. I feel a bit more rejuvenated now!

Tell me how your day is going?


Struggling tonight but looking forward to getting through it :slight_smile:


I’m glad you know you’re going to get through it! Some days will definitely be a struggle! Just keep that positive mindset! :+1:t2: You got this!!!


You too! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Stick around…friday and saturday nights are my trouble nights, so i heart almost every meme here:

You can get some positive vibes reading peoples graditudes…

Just some ideas


Youre day sounds amazing! I love when days are filled with things to nourish the body, mind, n spirit. My day was okay. Grocery shopping, healthy eating, resting, prayer and readings. Got myself a library card to download free ebooks. Developing a workout plan for Monday :slight_smile:


That’s awesome I love having my kindle but at the same time there’s nothing like a good old fashion paperback book that you can turn the real pages to! I love that it reminds me of all of the simpler days! I’m glad that yourself doing pretty darn good from what I hear! Keep it up!


My day went really well. Saw some folks today that I was able to help. A guy came in who got sober last fall but relapsed about 6 weeks ago and today he’s on day 8. We met at a local meeting tonight and it was good to see him come back.

Thanks for asking Jessie and glad your day was good too.


Of course I will always be glad and more than welcoming to peoples stories everyday! I’m am more than thankful for the fact that you even replied to me, much less that you were able to help someone who needed your support at a very important time of being sober! Thank you for being someone’s support and being your own as well!

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Made it through the day clean and sober, the weekend is here on to another fresh 24hrs. Good to not have to wake up on the wrong side of the tracks.:grinning::+1: great job making it 4days keep it up! Reach out read around here or post as much as possible get the support you need, take it easy just 1day at a time