What was your "rock bottom"?

My rock bottom wasn’t a specific situation…it was a “sick and tired of being sick and tired”. I just couldn’t handle another 2am awake staring at the ceiling and hating myself.


Thank you for sharing!
I hope you’ll find a way to work on loving yourself once again.



Wow, you are a strong lady. I truly wish you all the best and I’m glad you’re here. :heart:

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ended up in the hospital and not knowing how i gave myself the injuries. now i have a scar to remind myself :roll_eyes:


My rock bottom was a car crash into a ditch as well… With many court dates, fines, convictions, and repercussions afterward I also continued drinking. Thinking I could control it and just wouldn’t drive drunk anymore. ::Sigh:: wrong. I drank more and more and more. I was gaining weight, I was constantly sick or feeling like shit, my skin was god awful looking, and I was irritable daily. I came to a point where I felt like I couldn’t enjoy anything without alcohol. I would bring drinks in a backpack just to go on a hike in the woods with a friend. I’d drink when touring a new city with my cousin. I drank anytime I would play a new board game (and then not be able to finish any of them due to being incoherent or starting arguments). I was spiraling downward and had become someone I was not proud of. I have just passed 3 weeks sober and feel so much empowerment with every passing day. I feel more clear-headed. I’m a happier/nicer person. I’m feeling healthier. I’ve been to a winery with friends to listen to live music (SOBER) and went to an outdoor micro brewery to play a card game with friends (SOBER). Being able to say “no” to alcohol has actually felt good. Sure, there’s been a devil on my shoulder saying it’s okay to have one but I’ve been successful in flicking him right off. It is possible. It is.


My rock bottom started when I told my boss I was leaving and wouldn’t be back walked out on my job met up with a buddy started drinking doing cocaine then we went to the bar and I took a drop of liquid Xanax drank some more of course after a while had no idea what I was doing walked out of the bar and started walking home ( which I lived pretty far away) some where along this mess I called my brother to come get me he said my face was covered in blood cuz I had been falling on the pavement and had no control of my body my brother safely got me home but escaped cuz I wanted more powder this time my mom was called to come find me when she did I was resistant to get in the car she finally got me in the car started to head down the road and I jumped out the car! Cuz I was trying to make it to my dealers house long story short I ended up in the ER with stitches in my head and a concussion

Today I’m 2 weeks clean and i always remind myself of this time that was not me and I could’ve ended my life easily that night over wanting a bag of powder just typing this story out now makes my stomach turn but it’s a reminder of why I’m determined to be and will stay sober


Josh, I’m so glad you’re here and doing good.
I think my son is up to no good lately, I just had a little texting with him and told him how hard it is to be his mother. He’s put me through alot but this is next level sh#&. I’m heartbroken rn.

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Thank you Donna I’m blessed to be here and I’m sorry that your going through that with your son one day he will look back on the times he broke your heart and it will haunt him in his thoughts I know it haunts me my mother is an angel and I have put her through a lot I hope that you find peace with your son and hold the strength to not use through difficult times with him keep your head up your in the right place where people care listen and want to help you with any problems that come your way :heart:


Thank you for saying that…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Prior to the Covid restrictions, I took meetings into a jail for about 10 years. This question comes up a lot there. And we can identify with each other’s consequences, but those aren’t rock bottom. My friend who killed a woman running from the cops to avoid DUI 4 had the same rock bottom as my buddy who had one DUI and wound up having his daughter drive him home, same as my rock bottom during my arrest for DUI #5 after car wrecks and lost jobs and divorce and broken bones and pain and sorrow.

That rock bottom is in our hearts. The rock bottom, as far as I can tell, is that one moment of clarity and hope, it’s actually a positive event. Amidst all the destruction addiction can wreak on our lives, and in the depths of despair, knowing we can never, ever, ever recover on our own resource, there comes a flash of hope. We are granted a glimpse into a life beyond what we can imagine, a life of peace and true serenity, a life where we belong and fit and we matter to someone.

When we turn to that light and begin the road back, that marks our rebirth. Rock bottom is immense pain that sets us on the path to our true selves. We may recognize it at the time, that we do not have to seek any lower and we will rise up and be protected and better. It can be the first inkling that we believe we can do this thing, with enough help. It may take us some sober time to realize the gravity of that moment. But that moment, that instant, is rock bottom.

Rock bottom is when we turn our heel and start the walk out of the woods. And our angel is on our shoulder for the journey. We turn from our addiction to fulfilling the longing of our souls.

Sat Nam, my friends.


Oh Donna I’m sorry to hear that…I know my mom has ptsd from the crap I’ve put her through. Us kids always snap out of it though and realize our mothers are what keep us grounded and are our best friends. He’ll come around. Sending you hugs :hugs:


Thank you Em… my heart physically aches right now. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to him.

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& I can’t even imagine…keep me posted…you raised a good son, remember that :heart:


My rock bottom was divorce papers…her trying to get me Baker acted for not eating and she said I was gonna harm myself…was along 8 months…:pleading_face::pleading_face:…but things are so much better since we got back together…way stronger then before mainly because I quit drinking…


that’s the best feeling, when it all clicks, you feel amazing, want to take on the world, and you finally realize you can enjoy daily activities without alcohol. I honestly feel very sad for all of my friends that still feel the need to drink with every occasion. they are missing out on being fully alive and in the moments!


Keep going :metal:

Thank you, I’m working on it. I think the hardest part is to find yourself again. I also think most humans are struggling with similar issues. And together we can work on it and lift eachother up. :hibiscus:

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Thank you, I’m not stronger than anyone else in here. We all have a past, and our reasons that made us end up here in the first place. I’m glad I’m here to, and I’m glad that we’re able to support eachother in here on our journeys to create something better for ourselves. I wish you all the best too :cherry_blossom:

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Thanks for sharing, I’m glad you’re here now. The good thing is that you didn’t hurt yourself anymore and that it made you realize that you needed help. I wish you the best of luck with everything :hibiscus:

My rock bottom was one day, years ago, when after binging on cocaine for 2 nights, i felt chest pains and freaked out thinking that i was going to die. All i thought about was to walk out of my place and walk on the streets thinking that if i collapsed at least in public someone would see and call an ambulance. I walked like for i dont know long, probably not much and i cant remember anything besides waking up in the ER.

And the worst of all? A few months after that episode there i was, using cocaine again. For many years after that.