What was your "rock bottom"?

That is a touching story to hear, thanks for sharing. You are a champion.


Thank you very much. I’m glad to be where I am today.

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My rock bottom was scary. I was engaged to a man who knew about my alcohol problem and that I was trying to quit drinking but would give me alcohol anyway to help keep me under his control.
It ended with him trying to kill me, and my 5 year old daughter calling 9-11. That’s when I knew I couldn’t do this anymore and I needed to get help.


Wow I read the entire thing And it brought me to tears. I want you to know that YOU ARE SO STRONG AND YOUR FUTURE IS GOING TO BE AMAZING!! keep going honey YOU GOT THIS.

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Thank you sweetie :heart:, I’m sorry that it made you cry. I never intended to make anyone sad.

I hope we all in here got this, and if we don’t got this yet, we’re all here to support eachother.
Everyone who has taken the step to recovery and is in here are just as strong people as I am. We all have a history that lead us to where we are today.

I’ve spent years trying to hide and forget mine, to just be “normal”, apparently that didn’t work, so this time I’m trying something new.

Thank you for reading and responding.

I wish you all the best :cherry_blossom:

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My rock bottom was prison.


Your story made me well up with pride for you what an amazing inspiring journey very humbling :blue_heart::purple_heart::green_heart::heart::pray:


Oh dear, I’m sorry you and your daughter had to go through that. And I’m happy you got away from that and are getting a better life for youband her. Hang in there, you deserve to be with someone who is supportive and keeps you on the right path and don’t trying to control you. You can do this, and we’re all here to help :cherry_blossom:

Love the prepective on rock bottom amazing way to see it and so true aswell,:pray::pray::pray::pray:

Honestly i dont believe in rock bottom. Once i thought i had been at my rock bottom and not long after that things got much worse. You can always lower in my opinion.


My rock bottom when my agent saw a beer can in trash few week ago when he did home visit . that why want be soberity for ever never touch liquor again in my wildest dreams

I got to rock bottom and found another rock under that one !!

Hi all,
How is everyone here been doing ?
This posts a bit old just checking in make sure your all still here and ok x

Im on day 22 today.


Day 882 sober since making this post. I’ve gotten married. I’m building my home with my own bare hands. I feel incredible and free. Sobriety is the best damn thing.


Wow thats seriously great to hear :grin:

Im so happy for you !!

Congratulations on day 882 that is amazing.

Im glad to hear how well you are doing and that you are still sober, your life is on track and this is proof that if you stick with it life gets better.

Thank you for your reply and well done !!

I definitely have had a few rock bottoms. Anytime I had an overdose I would hit rock bottom and change (that change was short lived unfortunately tho). I hit a rock bottom when I got raped by 5 men when I was working in the sex trade (which was to support my addiction, so they were directly related). I hit a rock bottom when I started using needles. I hit a rock bottom when drugs were a huge reason for domestic violence when it came to my abusive ex. But Fast forward many years later… I no longer work in the trade, I dont shoot up, and I haven’t overdosed in a very long time. Im in a healthy relationship now. But What I’m wanting and am doing now being 2 days clean is to not HAVE TO hit a rock bottom before I change. My life is actually good I just used to struggle with addiction. Wether I used due to escaping trauma etc I don’t know. But im done… I honestly have too much to lose today. So why do I have to hit such a low to change. I don’t need to. I can just change and live clean :relieved: