What we don't miss from our drinking & or using days

I dont miss the nasty hangovers they just got worse as i got older. I dont want to go to work hungover because im not myself and cant focus, and i dont want to drink on my days off because i’ll wake up late and laze around in a fog all day. all the time wasted.


The hours looking for a substance
The money spent
For me personally
The hours of walking I’d do a day to get a hold of it


I don’t miss the smell of alcohol seeping out of my pores while I work out. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


L y i n g. Constantly.


What I don’t miss are the alcohol withdrawals. They got very heavy towards the end of my active addiction, constantly sweating, trouble breathing, the spins, feeling like I was gonna pass out… I’m grateful to not experience that anymore


Jumping out of moving vehicles
Drunk texting and dialing people
Arguments with my wife
Blacking out
Pissin all over my apartment
Hang overs

And on and on…



Through my bloodstream :speaking_head::speaking_head:

I have been sober for 7 months. I am saving money! No alcohol, No weed, no cigarettes. I was so confused on why I had additional $100 after my first sobriety paycheck. Then I saw that it would’ve went to my habits. I have been saving it since then. (Subtract $150, for my son clothes shopping, which felt really good) Plus, I also bought self-care items for myself. I have $400 left. Being sober is a blessing. I can totally agree that no having a hangover, empty alcohol bottles is what I don’t miss at all, but hey…It’s saving money (especially too because alcohol prices has risen 11% as well)


I don’t miss the excuses and my lack of personal accountability.


1,000 empty calories everyday
Shitty sleep
50 lbs. of fat
DUI roulette
Actual DUI
The belief that the world would improve without me
Pointless conversations with fellow drunks
Passing out on the couch/floor/bushes
I pissed in a litter box, once
My kids commenting on my beer breath
The instant ramen concoctions
Hopless regret
I know there’s more…


I’m always 310 for the craziest reason and was a curse I’m heading into day two yet again but feeling strong

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Hangsiety … used to have what i thought were good nights till i was told otherwise, after that it always hit me bad.

Lying about how much id actually had to drink

Lack of control on intake of alcohol and other drugs
Drinking was alway my gateway to use other substances

Not proud of this one at all but drink driving.
Thank my ancestors for looking upon me and making sure not only i was safe but never harmed anyone else

The arguments i used to have with my wife over my drinking.

The black out or unplug phase where even if i was your best friend id become a vile piece of shit and be disrespectful as fuck, how i havent had my head cracked more than a few times i do not understand