From what i am reading - i see that you really don’t want to quit drinking - you are looking for someone here to convince you to stop. You would rather want to live but a short happy life rather than a possibly long and healthy one.
I’m not sure anyone here can convince you to stop. That decision has to come from you and you need to quit for yourself. We can be here for you if you choose to quit as the journey is not one that can be done alone. It takes a lot more than willpower.
Alcohol is a poison that slowly eats away at your insides causing multiple organ failures and diseases that are not very carefree and fun to endure. If you think that when you are older in age that you would be able to go through the remainder in your life with such pain and ailments then i guess go on drinking. Many of us have over many years built up our tolerances and drank excessively while still “functioning” in society - it did take a huge toll on our insides, our nerves, our quality of life, our relationships etc.
You are still young at 33 and your body can still endure a lot. Do you really want to continue the way you are and find out in a few years that you are at the point of no return? I personally am dealing with so much shit and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I know many others have it way worse.
Again - not trying to convince you one way or the other. We each have our own lives to live and our own paths to choose - just wanted you to be aware that your “golden years” of 60 or 70 might be not be easy going. I am now 7 months alcohol free and fighting for my health to return. Fighting for a chance to live a “normal” life - I am 45.
Wishing you the best in whatever you decide. We are here for you if you decide sobriety is what you prefer. I think the possibilities in life and in one self are endless if we give ourselves a chance - i believe you have so much to live for and experience and really hope that you don’t give up on yourself. I do hope that we see you around.