What's everyone reading right now?

I find reading to be one of the best activities to promote a healthy mind and sobriety, and I know many of you share this thought. So I’d like to know, what are you all reading right now?

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Far and Near by Neil Peart


Recovery from Russell Brand. And it’s not easy for me to read because I’m Dutch. But I want to read it so badly! :grinning:


The Great and Secret Show. Clive Barker. SpooooOoooky. :grin:


I read Pride and Prejudice last year. Great book, language is always fascinating in old books.

This is on my list, I’ve heard good things.

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I’ll add them to my list!

If you wanna be busy for about a year then Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth series. That is of course if you are into fantasy epics:)

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Literally just closed the last page of The Great Gatsby. Next trying a Japanese author Haruki Murakami - Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage.


Right this minute, I’m reading the forum. When I’m not reading the forum, I’m reading the 33 Strategies of War, by Robert Greene.

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You will have to let me know how that Captain Sobriety one is, I’m intrigued.

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Good book, read it during the summer. That plus some Hemmingway memoirs I just finished have inspired me to read more Scott Fitzgerald.

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Fitzgerald was a notorious alcoholic who died young. He is one of those writers/artists who gained in reputation after he died. Apparently he was more prolific and well known with short stories because he could drink while he wrote them…writing a Novel was too hard when drunk all the time. He drinking days and death overlapped the beginning years of AA which he had heard of. We have so many more options now than they had in the 1920s and 1930s but death is still a potential outcome. Hemingway a similar story I am afraid. Alcohol not very glamorous in the rear view mirror.


ClivecfuckingBarker a classic author, and I haven’t read that one in sooo long!


Bird download This author is amazing!

download (1)


Me too…struggling to get intobit😕

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I don’t know much about Fitzgerald, but I’m fairly well versed in Hemingway’s life. Great writer but a massive piece of shit as a person, I believe his consumption played a major role in that aspect of his character.

I’m trying to get into Armada, by the same author as Ready Player One (which rocked my socks)


Verities of Religious Experience by Herbert Spensor