What's everyone reading right now?

Same w Hemingway. Apparently he and Fitzgerald were compatriots on Left Bank in the 20’s (Ezra Pound, John Dos Passos, that brunch) and didn’t like each other much. I will,say my fave book is For Whom the Bell Tolls.

Funny that a pair of drunks conflicted huh.

By the way, I am reading Sharra’s WWI To the Last Man , but I love the Corps series by WEB Griffin. I am a History Teacher by trade and training.


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One of my favorite authors is Raymond Chandler.

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I am also a teacher. High school English. I prefer American literature. Flannery O’Connor is the greatest writer who has ever lived. Period.

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I guess I should chip in as well, I’m reading a Carlin book, reads like stand up, and on my Kindle I’m reading The Tibetan Book of the Dead.

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You Do You by Sarah Knight

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Reading some problems based on differential equations…Solving maths problems :joy::joy:


After all there is a reason why Indians are good at maths :smiley:

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Really ?? …is it so … :grin:

No, not really. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Good People is the story that sticks out. She died where I was born; Milledgeville, GA.

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Looking for a good horror book to read, previous to that though I finished reading Battle Royale by Koushon Takami, it’s pretty messed up.

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Yeah, if by messed up you mean glorious.

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I can reccomend some good horror anime, but that’s about it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lmao it was a really good book xp
Just pm’d you about anime haha

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Good Xmas Eve everybody. Currently reading “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. What a great book to read! Very powerful and beautiful. Words to live by, and words of Love, Compassion, and God. I hope everyone is having a good day. JakeNCoco

I saw the preview when I watched TLJ, it looks interesting.

Stephen King is always good for horror, he can’t end a book worth of fuck but he’s a good writer. The Shining is my favorite by him, it will make you hate the movie.

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I dunno man. Last time a book I loved turned into a movie it was World War Z, and we all know how shitty that turned out (in regards to it being anything BUT World War Z’s premise)

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I have a few from Dark Tower that I’ve picked up in used book stores, I want to collect and read the series. Maybe if I come across Gunslinger I’ll actually start it but it’s a daunting task.

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