What's everyone reading right now?

How cool, man. Great story you mentioned.

Hahaha, I always figured that’s why his books are so bloody long. Hemingway’s The Snows of Kilaminjaro can disprove that theory pretty quick, endings are important.

Haha ya I’ve actually never really been able to get into Stephen King, I tried reading black house but couldn’t get into it xp

Both so good!!!

Ready Player One! They made a movie from it and now I gotta finish it

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Christmas Books by Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol.

Great topic, I agree that reading helps so much!

∆The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy∆

It is a story about the childhood experiences of fraternal twins whose lives are destroyed by the “Love laws” that lay down “who should be loved, and how, and how much.” It won the Booker Prize.

Reading had been my favorite pastime. That and running. However since quitting drinking, these last two months I haven’t been reading much! I’ve been Netflix-watching with my husband - first time I am “present” in a long time. And when I relax to read, it is on this forum, or else I have been re-reading sobriety books for some motivation. Soon though, I hope to get back to my novels!

Have you all checked out the website Goodreads? All about books. You can keep track of books you want to read, books you’ve read. You can connect with friends and Facebook friends and see what they are reading and their reviews. Goodreads has book giveaways in exchange for an honest review. Love this site!

Current reading
Cannot seem to post a pic of the covers but it is
Sober for Good by Anne M Fletcher
Next up is The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris

Dean koontz - dark rivers of the heart…read it b4 a long time ago and I always remembered it being one of my favorites of his stuff
And Strange Weather by Joe Hill…freaky stuff lol

I’m reading The Tattooist of Auschwitz… a very sad true story

Reading the sober diaries , and just finished a happier hour. Love that last one I could see my self in every page

The Bachman Books. It when Stephen King wrote under a different pen name, Richard Bachman. Pretty good short stories!

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Thanks to that book I started my journey in sobriety , I’m thinking about joining her sexy sobriety program :slight_smile:

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