What's the worst thing you do when you've been drinking?

Drinking and driving. There is nothing lamer than that.


Sword swallowing. Never try that when you’re drunk.


Better than breaking her arm.

Had a car accident, came home, got into my jammies (cuz I woke up w em), mom knocked on my door to ask what happened cuase I thought someone broke into my car and I cant remember til this day. $10,000 accident

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I would always fall asleep in the day inappropriately.

Become verbally and physically aggressive to my s/o, run my mouth saying things I normally would not say in public, drinking and driving AND mix my anti depressants, muscle relaxers, and anti anxiety pills with the alcohol and thinking “I don’t really care if I wake up” :arrow_left:️ really scary to think about now!! :persevere::beer::heavy_plus_sign::pill:=:scream::skull_and_crossbones:️:coffin:️


I am normally a pretty chill person but when I drink a lot I become very angry. All of my emotions are greatly exaggerated actually (pretty common I think). I punch walls, I yell at the people I care about about trivial stuff that I absolutely do not care about when sober, and the worst is trying to pee in places I should not. My wake up call is when my brother video taped me yelling at him and my boyfriend because I wanted privacy to go to the bathroom on the toilet (it was actually a closet). Luckily I had them to keep me in check and forgive my awfulness. I also have a large scar on my knee that I have no memory of getting (last thing I remember is getting kicked off the bus 4km from my house because could not find my bus pass, which I found as the bus pulled away).


I honestly can remember the worst thing I’ve done but i know when i was on pain pills im an awful boyfriend/friend. See before I sobered up if my girlfriend pissed me off enough I would break stuff. One time she made me mad and she had this big stuff animal her dad won for her at this carnival. I ended up ripping it up and scattering it across her room. Eventually I came to my senses and cleaned it up. So dumb of me.

I get really anti social which is very uncommon for me being a ragging extrovert. I dont want to be around people especially the people that love me the most(hmmm subconscious guilt; I think so)
Basically my whole life becomes focused on getting that next pill.

I recently relapsed (going 6 days strong) amd during this relapse I did heroin.
Actually scratch that. That was the worst thing I’ve done.
My mother left me at a very young age for this drug and I promised I would never do it (although I’m basically doing it when I pop an oxy so I’m kidding myself)
But I did.

On a positive note I’ve never felt more alive being sober. This time around really helped me understand my patterns, some triggers, how I can better help myself and I kicked my own ass this time. I wont waste my life on that toxicity.


Lost my 1st marriage of 17years broke my 3 kids hearts. 2 DUIs in 3 weeks. Hit my Lexus against the garage. And now my current wife wants a separation. I’m so sad and angry at myself right now. I need to quit. I need to start today. So tired of wasting every evening away…sigh.


Driving and barely remembering any of it. I’m so thankful that I never hurt anyone.


Sleeping with my male best friend when both of us were totally bombed.


Drinking and driving

Lose all self respect. Get combative. Demand attention. Cry and wail. Curse at my loved ones. Promiscuity. Blackout driving. Attempting suicide.
27 days later, reawakened by this post.


I woke up one night to my dog barking and someone trying to get into my bedroom. Thankgod i had locked my bedroom door. When i heard them leave i got up to discover i had been robbed. I went and checked the security footage to see how the intruder gained entry only to see i had drunkenly let them in. I must’ve just wandered straight to my room and locked the door. Im lucky i didn’t get raped. I stopped drinking for 6 months after that but alcohol slowly creeped its way back in. On 16 days now


@JaneB holy shit thats a scary ass story!!

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Spent hundreds buying drinks for strangers so they would get drunk with me. Having strangers over to sleep with me at 4am unprotected. Giving my friends and family $100 gift cards off Amazon. Stood outside my bfs door creepily when he shut me out for drinking, leading to our separation. Stayed home from work countless times. Missed Easter. Got thrown out of a bar for going in the wrong restroom. Told my best friend’s gf he planned to marry her. Woke up in my own vomit. Drove home and lost a tire.


Jesus, when you write it all out it’s like what have i done. It’s so easy to forget all this. “Oh, I can moderate.”

I was at a family party tonight and everyone was drinking. My first thought was a flashback to all the stupid crap I’ve done even before age 30. I was so jealous they could drink and even get tipsy. But I know what happens.


Maybe some people can take it or leave it, but I think it causes issues for many people eventually, maybe it just hasn’t hit them yet.


Drinking and driving way too much. Passed out once with stove on high, smoke filled room. Burned the pot so bad it had a hole in it. Woke up with house full of smoke. Lucky I woke up.


yes thanks god you woke up :+1: this is something i sometimes still dream of: oven on full power, me sleeping drunk on the couch. i could have killed myself so often with that shit :dizzy_face:

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