What's the worst thing you do when you've been drinking?

Now i want to shout and shake u litle no offence buddy u need to change negativity to positive. I can’t tell u what to do i can tell that i care .

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Very true. Both tragic and ridiculous how after we’ve done all these things we keep resorting to alcojol, the very same thing that created them with the hope that it will help us forget

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What I probably SHOULD do, is stop contributing to this forum, or at least, not doing so when I’m feeling particularly miserable… which is most of the time.
Nobody needs people like me around, even virtually.
Please accept my apologies, I’ll try not to write much anymore.

Yeah . What helped me was forgiven my self and let go

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Dear buddy i dont want you to stop writing u got a reason to be here like everyone else . U do contribute .im not angry either . Dont leave :heart:


I am sure that many people here would be more than happy to hear you out.
Perhaps try to think what would make you feel better and do that instead of focussing on what has gone wrong so far?
It is a well known cycle for many of us to be trapped in negative thoughts and be pessimistic, at least for me.
Wish you the very best.

Told my friend’s gf he planned to marry her
Gave out $100 gift cards
Lost a tire driving
Went out for more, alone
Had strangers over for sex, had stuff stolen
Missed family holidays and plenty of work
Vomit off my bed in a Blackout
Took an Uber ride I don’t remember and Google says we went in circles
Ultimately, ruined a relationship

If that is indeed the case, then there are far too many people here who are far too nice for their own good.
I’m sorry to be so pessimistic and depressive… sometimes it’s worse than usual, I should probably avoid writing at times like that.

I’ll still be here, I’ll just try not to write anymore, or not very often, anyway.

Drunk texting is a NO NO!!! Nothing good comes from it


I still hope you will write what your feeling because it’s worse to keep it bottled up inside. I’m glad your staying :heart:

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I can totally relate. I am super cold, overly blunt, and have zero patience when I have been drinking. My wife is also the sweetest and has put up with some shit over the past couple years. I am going to lose her if I don’t get my shit together. 2 days down.


I can relate lol maybe I should start an Amazon addition group lol

Texted an ex whenever drunk…very toxic relationship which should have stayed in the past!

Hate that. I once had a full on text conversation with an ex of 5 years … :man_facepalming:

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95% of the time I’d be fine, but boy could I get myself in trouble during those 5% times. You’d never know what you were going to get. I’d be reckless, erratic, unpredictable. Pure animal brain. Here are the highlights that come to mind. Most happened several times. Not proud:

-Broke nose 3x (door, staircase, sidewalk)
-Passing out on public transit, often awaking and deboarding at unknown and unsafe areas. Wander aimlessly until I get home somehow.
-Got kicked out of my uncle’s bar, by my uncle. I love that guy, and that one really hurts to think about.
-Drunk driving, one time all the way from Cape Cod to New Hampshire.
-Pissed on myself, others, my bed, my belongings
-Followed strangers and unsavory chacters into dark alleyways and unknown residences
-Drunkenly climbing fire escapes in Boston to get drunk on high rooftops, for the “fun” of it

Pretty much just a habit of getting blackout wasted, alone, and wandering the city hoping nothing bad happens. Fingers crossed, right? :anguished:

Thats all I can think of right now. Thankfully all listed were at least 7 years ago (2011 or earlier). I realized I had a problem in 2012 and have been working on myself since. 2008-2011 were the “dark years”. Those were the days I was drinking 4-5 days at a time, all day. I refuse to go back to that, ever. I count myself very lucky that I came out of those years relatively unscathed, let alone still breathing.

Let’s see here:

In Turkey while on deployment I got so drunk I blacked out and I woke up the next day in my dorm naked. No idea how I made it back onto base safely since the Turkish military would point guns at you and ask stupid questions everytime you come through the gate. Plus, Adana is no place for a woman to be out alone.

Drinking a fifth while driving - on many occassion. Blackout driving.

Played basketball drunk and broke my foot.

Blacking out at a bar and waking up at home with busted glasses, dirt and leaves all over myself, and my wife and her best friend hovering over me to make sure I was still breathing.

Drinking at work and falling asleep under my desk.

Saying hurtful things while drinking that I don’t mean and have no memory of saying.

I put an empty plate in the toaster oven…thankfully my wife came home and noticed.

Got pulled over by a cop making an improper turn. I had an open container in the car…hid it and managed to just get a ticket for the turn…then I headed straight to a bar to get another drink, and drove home.

Peeing in weird places

Only on day 3, but I am done with this pathetic BS!


The statute of limitations still hasn’t run on most of my stuff so I decline to answer.


Spending insane amounts of money
Losing friends
Drunk texting

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Drinking half bottle of vodka with suitcase. Falling asleep on train. Get woken up and lost suitcase which had most of my partners clothes in I was taking hone to them.

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