What's Your Occupation?

Yaaass!!! I hope that you accomplish your dream someday!! I too love music, it is a huge stress reliever for me! My favorite thing to do when I feel like i need to get away from everything is to go for a drive and jam the fuck out!!


Thank you, that makes me feel better. Alcohol was never my drug of choice but I know with other people it could still be a trigger place. But i’m feeling confident in believing I will be okay! Though, I agree, watching others falling all over themselves would definitely make me be like, “hell nah, i don’t wanna look/be like that.” Lol

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Go for it if it makes you happy! I work in manufacturing facility in materials flow to our production lines. I like it, it is challenging but I supervise a good team and we get it done. Definitely not my final career stop, but I can do a lot of growing and learning here so I enjoy it!


You aren’t lying!! My bestie’s 7 year old is doing online school and his teacher has to teach a class and the online students.

Well whats perfect about this place is the manager doesnt allow drinking on the job. He will instantly terminate you. I’m not much of a drinker though… Now if someone offered me cocaine or heroin, that would be a problem for me.

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Im a Local Truck Driver hauling USPS Mail
From one Location to the next i have 2 younger brothers in the military One Navy One Marine i was thinking why not keep tradition going and join the Army myself also becoming my own boss and get my own Truck Hey congratz on your new Job i bet your very excited :blush:


I’m an RDN (registered dietary nutritionist) who just got a job as a health coach for weight watchers during covid. I am so happy for you…I went to school first for culinary and worked in kitchens for 10 years of my life. I get both sides of the coin but if you’re serious about your sobriety, it will actually help you stay sober. Watching people get drunk while you make money off of their drunkenness should be enough :slightly_smiling_face: just keep a close watch on you’re feeling around it- leave the situation of things start to spiral. I wish you the best of luck!


How very cool! What type of books did/do you write?

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I’m a pharmacy assistant, I’ve been in pharmacy since 2004. I figured it was ironic to work with drugs while living with addiction. I used to buy fitpacks from my own workplace to use over the weekend. Looking back I can’t believe I did that.
I’m pleased to say I’ve come out the other side and gained sobriety while still working in the industry. :slightly_smiling_face:


Residential appraisal management… yep it’s as fun as it sounds :crazy_face::upside_down_face:


Lol I did work in a bar where the owner was a coke dealer. :grimacing: I was a hot mess when I worked there. Yikes.

I honestly don’t know how to describe my job. My title is Senior Laboratory Technician…but I don’t sctually work in the lab anymore. I guess my job is to help the lab run smoothly.

Our work is in drug regulation.


I’m a boiler operator at a large iron ore mine. Almost every miner has 2 things in common, long hours and alcoholism.

More power to you if you want to bartend, plenty of ppl in recovery that do that job. Best of luck to you


Fingers crossed, that doesn’t happen! :pray:t3:

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I am a database administrator for a giant monster mega bank (supporting the Global Wealth Management part of our business) - been with this company almost 14 yrs. I support DB2 on Linux/Unix (exciting, right?). I’ve been doing this kind of work since 1994 - working in all flavors of Unix since 1990. I really enjoy my work - its stressful at times, but I’ve been doing it so long, I’ve found lots of ways to work smarter, not harder, etc… I’m pretty good at my job and its allowed me to provide for my family. Why I keep tempting fate and risking having it all come crashing down, I’ll never know. Hopefully this time around my sobriety can really stick.


I believe in you Charlie! My best advice is don’t ever get too confident with your sobriety…stay humble and continue to check in here even if you don’t feel like you need to :heart:


Thanks Emilie!

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I’m a health and life insurance producer working for a broker. We negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of employers to get the best plans at the lowest cost for their employees. People living outside the US will never know this type of business. It’s not exciting but I’m good at it and it pays the bills.


Dang I’m so impressed with everyone’s careers wow!!! I’ve been a service and repair plumber for 23 years and have now been told by my doctor that my career is over. I’m 50 years old and have no idea what I can do to make a decent living and quite frankly I’m kinda scared. Well not kinda, I am scared. I feel really lost and really trying to fight the depression. Congratulations on the new job!


Military aviator here and struggle with alcohol. Slowing it down but still get lit once a week.