Where are my alcoholics tonight?

Where are my alcoholics tonight? I’m curious…im early on in my sobriety and too afraid to venture out around night life. I dont want to get warn out by triggers


I am staying home, although that’s not new for me. I haven’t “gone out” at night in a few years lol
I’m a homebody so I pretty much always got drunk at home.
Now I’m on day 17 AF and have been trying all kinds of new drinks (juices, sodas and teas) I’ve never had before. I have really been enjoying ginger beer (it’s like a soda obviously nonalcoholic) mixed with a little juice. It has a strong flavor and makes your mouth tingle a little, so it satisfies that “burn” I’m looking for in a drink.
Most of the time I end my night by getting in bed with a hot sleepytime tea and a book, which I have started looking forward to each day.
My advice is to stay away from the old places you used to go on a night out, and try some new places/things/hobbies that will be more supportive to your sobriety.


At home, recording a new song. Then gonna veg out on the couch and watch some Ozark!


Thank you @Ktd id expect this community to be more active tonight. I appreciate your reply…all of your night sounds wonderful


Home watching the packers with my boys!!! Go pack go!!! …. day 1,239 :no_entry_sign::beer:


Do you sing? Play?

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Home, with my sweetie. Making sketti. Life is good!


Not a recovering alcoholic but am watching the Packers hopefully lose. I’m a Chicago Bears fan :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lmao go pack!!! What time the bears play? :wink:

I tried everything… :joy: ended up right back at coffee.


Packers are the team to beat. I admit it. And if someone beats them I’m going to be here to witness it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Goodluck!


Camping. In a park within city limits. Park doesn’t close until 11, so technically I’m not trespassing. :smirk:
Too early to sleep, but too dark to do anything. :confused:. Testing my gear for Lake Tahoe.


Oh I definitely still drink coffee too! I have trouble falling asleep since I quit drinking, so I have to cut off caffeine by like 4pm or I’ll be :flushed: all night. I was never a fan of tea at all until now.


Try Sleepy Time! I’ve also gotten into hot cocoa. :wink:

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I drink too much coffee. My daughter got me hooked on French vanilla :joy: always drank coffee black until I got sober. Feel like less of a man putting all that crap in my coffee but it could be worse. It could be beer. :muscle:t2:


I know weekends can be especially tough times for most people. My husband works late every day, even later on Friday and Saturday nights, so for me the tough times are on Monday night/Tuesday when he is off. I would drink a lot heavier then, especially if we stayed home. It definitely feels weird to not be doing that anymore and trying to figure out what else to do to instead. But it definitely feels great to wake up NOT hungover the next day! :laughing:


@DryIn785 when are you going to lake tagoe? Where at around that big, gorgeous lake?

I went to tahoe in may for my honeymoon.

I’m pretty sure I drink nothing but coffee because it was my routine. Coffee then straight to beer by 10am ish. So now I just never stop drinking coffee :thinking: reverse psychology on myself :joy:


Nothing wrong with a little extra flavor! I have a huge sweet tooth, so l’m all about putting lots of crap in my coffee. I can drink tequila without flinching, but a sip of black coffee rattles me down to my bones. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:


Sitting on my couch watching Practical Magic. Big question tonight is will I have tea or hot chocolate :thinking: