I can’t wait for winter @MicheleH we got over 600 inches on the mountain near us last year
@Trust48 I was actually asking @Fubar84 which Hogwarts house he was in. It is a Harry Potter reference. I have not ski/snowboarded, I wish. One day I will though! Putting it on my bucket list!
@Fubar84, haha I like that Soberyn! I think I’m a Hufflepuff…but I have to agree…definitely working on getting sorted into Soberyn!
Rhode Island, USA
In a small town where one day I will leave and leave my addiction behind as well
Cornwall, England
@Rikk…OMG! Id Never survive. Lived in Fla my whole life. I freeze when we get a blizzard at 30° here. …lol…
@MicheleH i lived there most of mine too…maybe that’s why i like the cold so much now…after living there and California I’m done with the heat!
@MicheleH It was said at the meeting I went to tonight that it’s like seeing friends who I haven’t actually met up with before! And then, some guy starts passing round flyers for a Convention in London on 24th September (which I’ve already been signed up to share at) and he starts talking about his friend - Denis (who is the guy I met at the Birmingham Convention at the end of July). Not only is it a “small world” but I’m sure every person I meet in AA, I meet them for a reason (to learn something, to help them, or for them to help me). I totally agree with your sentiment: “privileged to be a part of it.”
GreenBay, Wisconsin Sadly, wisconsin has 12 of the “drunkest” cities in America (out of 20). http://m.startribune.com/twelve-of-20-drunkest-american-cities-are-in-wisconsin/380038901/
@Andy_15052012…I agree, never met a stranger in AA…met some strange people in AA, but never a stranger…lol…(I can say that seeing I’m probably one of the strange ones. …lol). Love the program, saved my life!
@rikk…I thought so, me originally orlando, now I live in Indian harbor beach (melbourne area) love it! What took you to Denver?
Not in Denver…6 hours sw of Denver
Got tired of city life, to fast, to complicated, country life for me now!
@rikk…I don’t blame you! If I could stick a beach in the middle of a country town in the mountains, id have died and gone to heaven…lol
Nobody from Holland here ?
I’m from Glenwood, MN. Tiny town full of farms haha
Love colorado! Hiked a couple of the mountains there. Love that feeling of being so high that the air is thin and hard to breathe. Call me strange lol