Where my cat people? #2

Such a beautiful girl!! Tony wants to go out and putting him on a tether might work. But too many strays - some his kin! Plus still in the 80s most days. He has to settle for the sun porch.

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That is too funny!! :rofl:

I have one for my chihauha too!

Taz hanging out with my daughter. He’s always had a bond with her.


It is funny but also somewhat frustrating (in a humorous way)because I thought she could go outside and expend some energy so she could calm down… But she just sits there and mediates and then comes in and destroys my house lol


Is this new to her? I remember years ago Riley was always begging to go out. I bought a harness and brought her out back on the patio, past that is nature. She basically stood in one spot. If I continued for awhile, she may have been more comfortable to move around more. But I figured best to let her be a little afraid of the unknown, and I stopped taking her. There’s a lot of coyotes out back. Now she will come to the door if I take Max out, or when I come home. But doesn’t really have a desire to go outside anymore.


She’s been going out on the leash for about 5 weeks. Almost everyday sometimes twice a day for half an hour- as hour or so.
I tried taking her down the street on the leash and she is a very scared. I felt the same way as you did-best to let her be a little afraid. So I’m just going to keep her in the backyard even though my daughter really thinks it would be fun to walk her. I never want her to try to go to far, I just wish sometimes she would run a little bit because she has a big line that would let her do that and it would give her a bit more exercise. I’m just watching this thing on Netflix it’s kind of an odd show but this guy has a cat that has like a huge hamster wheel!!! The cat actually uses it like a treadmill!

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You could set up some curtains outside for her to climb, :smile:

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I should build her a playground​:rofl::thinking::smiley:


You have to tell me the name of Netflix’s cat on hamster wheel show. :rofl:

I think it was just called “cat people” and the first part was sort of about this eccentric guy that had a whole bunch of cats and rapped about them. Honestly I didn’t finish it I just started it a bit ago and then got busy but I might turn it on just to see where it’s going… Honestly that big “hamster” wheel I thought it was a great idea!

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(Fans of the Montreal Canadiens will get this :innocent:)

Le Bleu-Blanc-Rouge (et Noir)

Best expansion team in the league: agile, alert, and never missing a chance to… eat :innocent:


Miss Marple, Tiglat and I occupied the couch for all this super lazy sunday we had. I feel rested and purred :grin:


What I’m about to tell you could come as a surprise, but Lola actually identifies as a plant, and she didn’t know how to tell you, so she acted out in the house.

In order for her to properly begin her transition, she is going to need a big pot of soil next to a window that gets at least 6 hours of afternoon sun. Direct watering is not advised at this stage of her journey.

Also from now on Lola requests that you post further photos of her in the plant thread. :wink:

That tongue in cheek humor aside, she’s adorable in those pots as she contemplates the universal truth that as a cat she is honor bound to destroy your house. She is bringing balance. The chaos part. :laughing:


Little privacy please.

Trying to take a bath here :smirk_cat:


Haha LOL.
I started reading and initially thought okay clearly this person is NOT sober… Then I just started laughing thanks for making me smile :rofl:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I have actually encountered this reaction offline too. I’m glad it gave you a laugh. It was a silly idea, but also too funny not to share. :heart: :cat2:

@Dazercat those photos are beautiful!


I work diligently with Her Majesty each day to keep her fur sleek, shiny, and knot free. This helps her keep up her youthful look, even at 20.5 years old.


My furballs​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


We are watching the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
Miss Marple vomited her breakfast - not very ladylike - all over the living room carpet :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Now again back on the couch after cleaning it up