Where my cat people? #3

That’s an odd looking kitty on the left!


Got a parcel yesterday. As soon as I as it was empty my Coco occupied it and was happy to use it as her new bed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: She just loves boxes especially small ones.


Can’t wait for new pics @Salty
Midnight looks beautiful :heart_eyes:


Aaahhh, exactly the same as Wikkel!
I restrict her with food but I would rather feed her the way I did with the cats I had before her. I kept their bowl filled and they ate what they need.
Not this one :face_with_peeking_eye: She was 9 kilo (19,8 pounds) when we got her. I guess she is 7 kilo (15,4 pounds) now.
A lot of cat to love :sweat_smile:
Do you know the weight of your cat?

We have her for one year now. There is still progress in our bond. She even dares to lay near me for a 10 minutes maximum :wink:


Hi! Alex is 16.4 lbs. I also have to restrict his food, I can no longer leave a bowl out like my previous cats. I take his allowance of diet food and divide it up into 4 smaller meals thru the day. He will knock into me or anyone in his path when he’s coming at feeding time. He’s also quite a talker, if I’m late with his food, he will let me know

I’ve had him a little over 3 months now, he’s approximately 11. The rescue said 11, my vet said 9, 10 or 11.

He’s a super sweet boy, but he will try and bite if you touch him wrong. I think he may have been abused. We’ve been working on the ‘no biting’ and it’s going well. He actually stopped himself today from biting me. It’s a quick reaction with him.

How did you get Wikkel to lose so much weight? Alex has been on diet food almost as long as I’ve had him, he’s maintaining his overweightness.


I bought special diet food for Wikkel. It has a lot of fibres in it and less calories.

She had it for more then half a year but suddenly she couldn’t handle it anymore and started to puke each morning :blush: Our vet thought it was a stomache issue on her food so we changed her food into food for sensitive bowel problems.
This is what’s she eats today, combined with some wet food as well

But I do not think she ever will be a slim cat, but also not want her to be like that. Just want her to be healthy and happy and not obese and die too young.
Ps Wikkel is 11 years old and 12 in july)


Orange cat enjoying a sunny day in the comfy orange deck- chair


How long have you fed her the special food? (Since beginning her weight loss) It’s been almost 6 months for mine and Krieger is about where he’s supposed to be but Kiki still has a ways to go. She’s definitely lost weight. She actually has a waistline and a lot more energy. The problem with the food is that there’s a difference in how much to feed them if you want weight loss or to maintain. Krieger seems hungrier now that he’s a healthy-ish weight, but it’s hard to feed them separately bc they both nibble throughout the day, so I can’t lock one of them up to eat. Sometimes I give him a little bit when she’s sleeping. Idk. I miss having cats that can control themselves too :upside_down_face:


Wikkel has had the weight management food for half a year and then got her stomache issues.
Now she has 3 meals a day from the special digestic food. I haven’t weight her for a while.
With 2 cats like you and 2 different kind of diets it must be difficult to give each what he needs :face_with_peeking_eye:
I think it’s the same as with people: some are thin and some has more bodyfat despite what they are doing. I think Wikkel is one of the last group.


It’s a hard life!


How can Luna survive without the :sun_with_face:?


Please send my girl Junuh some pawsitive vibes. We are at the Vet Clinic. She’s breathing hard, won’t eat or drink and getting skinnier. :sob:


oh sweet girl – sending her many hugs and loving healing vibes. i do hope all goes well with the vet visit - keep us posted :people_hugging:


Owwww, how’s she doing now? Hope a bit better? Keep my fingers crossed for a quick recovery :people_hugging:


Poor kitty! Positive vibes your ways, cat & human!


The ever demanding Noodle :ramen: :cat2:


She won’t recover, she has cancer. She will be euthanized Friday here at home. My heart is broken. :pleading_face:


Sorry to hear that about your fur baby. Sending lots of love and cuddles to Junah. :heart::heart:


Oh no! This is not what I was looking for. I wanted to ask you how Junuh is doing? Fuuuuuck. I’m so sorry Charlie :cry: I’m in shock. What kind of cancer? Lymphoma? Our Trax had lymphoma. We believe we tried too hard not to let him go. But it didn’t take long to realize we just had to let him go. I’m so sorry for you and poor Junuh.

My pm is always open for you, especially during this difficult time. You will get through this. You will feel this sadness and remain sober strong. It’s early in your sobriety for a test like this. But you can do it. Others here have. Seriously I got your back :people_hugging:


oh no – i’m so very sorry to read this :broken_heart: sending you and your precious kitty much love and comfort. Much love for you both :heart: