Where my cat people? #3

They are just so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks for sharing this special type of cuteness with us.


They are growing so hard!


I love them. :heart:


Going to find where the boys are when they are being too quiet ā€¦ :rofl:

These brothers! :hugs:


Too precious. Are we there yet? I have to pee? I see / hear none of that here.



Encounter on my way to my therapist in Utrecht


My youngest cat escaped last night and is out in the wild. We live in a neighborhood and our house backs to a greenbelt so thereā€™s plenty of woodlands to hide in.

My oldest daughter is pretty upset, she stayed up all night looking for him.

I set up 2 cameras, one in our garage (the door is slightly open) and one in the back yard. I also bought a live trap to see if we can trap him should he come back.

Has anyone lese had their cat eacape then return later? Whatā€™s the story?


Keep a lookout in a day or two. I lost a cat out the door a few times and she usually waited until morning and hid close to an entry door. They might stay out all night but hate to be exposed during the day.

Put in a call to your local shelter so they know someone is looking for a kitty. Losing a kitty is always scary but they usually come back if they can.


Also ask your neighbours to check any outbuildings, sheds and areas hide worthy. Absolutely cats normally get found or return!

Keep us posted! Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


As a kid on of our cats escaped and stayed missing for about a week. In the middle of the city. Somebody advised to leave the door ajar at night and that same night she returned. Probably came by every night but couldnā€™t get in. Wouldnā€™t come out of hiding when called. Hoping for a swift return.


I think this is him! Thereā€™s 3 neighborhood cats that i know of, this is not one of them.

This one went around the trap but not in it. I ended up trapping one of the neighborhood cats though.


Maybe you could try for a 3 am wake up tomorrow and just leave the door cracked. If it is your kitty they will probably meow at the door. If it isnā€™t your kitty, apologies but it might want to be.

Donā€™t give up Hoof! That kitty wants back in just as badly as you want them back. You just have to be there to seize the opportunity.


Another sunbathing beauty


Penelope rushed out the deck door once when my drunk husband didnā€™t close it properly when going smoking. I was devasted, posted a picture on our local shelters websites, alerted my neighbours and went out calling for her. Busy street next to my house, lots of gardens and a park. I took a sedative to not kill my ex and waited in the living room with doors tilted (no windows on this houselevel). Suddenly after midnight Tiglatpileser startet scratching at the westfront door. I opened it and Penny came in, obviously she has had enough adventure. I suppose she was just inspecting the adjacent garden and made herself comfy in the hedgerow ( according to ticks I had to pull out).
Sending calm and prayers your kitty will be back soon :people_hugging::pray:

Iā€™m grateful I mounted the catnet to full hight recently :see_no_evil::joy:


We are 100% sure thatā€™s him! Tonight, we are going to move the trap to in the middle of the deck. Then leave the back door open. We are going to make a recording of us softly calling for him then playing it on repeat so if he gets close enough, heā€™ll hear it and hopefully come in.

One way or another, heā€™s coming home. Itā€™s comforting that heā€™s still hanging out near by.

Weā€™ve had out other cats get out before. I accidentally let one out as I was walking out the door to go on a week long vacation to Hawaii. She was gone for 3 days before a friend saw her sunbathing in a neightbors yard. Everytime she escapes, she stays in our yard or just into the greenbelt.

The other, Pepper, heā€™s gotten out and got him self stuck in a tree after fighting another critter. Heā€™s super scared of being outside and will run back in if the doors are open.

But Nandor, he spent the first few months of life as an outdoor cat before we adopted him. So, itā€™s a tossup of how heā€™ll handle it.


I do hope your kitty comes back :heart: I grew up with many indoor/outdoor cats that almost always came in for the night when called. Occasionally one wouldnā€™t and go on an adventure for a couple days, but they always returned. We lost hope once when our girl Twinkie was missing for over a month. At the end of the summer she came home in fine shape. Youā€™re doing the best you can here so donā€™t give up.



Handsome! :kissing_heart:


Leave food near the back door as well? Good luck!