Where'd You Hide 'em?

That was a little rude. This forum is for all addictions. Why not be a little more welcoming to others.

You could be more inclusive. I’m sure there are addicts that had hiding places for their drugs just like alcoholics. What about those with a shopping addiction, hiding credit cards? I’m sure food addicts have hiding places too.

I guess you see my point, all addicts had that clever/lying side to them.


Oh well, I had too many hiding places… in my hidden safe… in the pockets of winter jackets… in the trunk of my car inside the emergency box… the funny thing sometimes I used to hide it and forget where I hid it… and I find it while looking for something else weeks or months later… :sweat_smile:

When I got sober and moved back with my family they found one stuffed between the bed and the wall… apparently I forgot it was there…

I am thankful that is all behind me now and thankful for the progress I made so far…:pray:


Another winter jacket pocket hider! Damn I thought I was unique with that one

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LOL most of the people I used to know used to hide it in winter jacket pockets or bath robe pockets :joy:


One of my little “hidey holes” was in my gig bag for my bass guitar. It had a little side pouch for cords, accessories, picks, and whatnot. This place worked just swell for a long time until one fine day, in my inebriated state, i left the zipper open on the pouch. The Mrs. was cleaning the closet one day and that tell-tale, bright red label on the flask of Popov was peeking out and caught her eye. BUSTED!!!

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It’s okay, I understand and am not offended or anything. I wish you strength and fortitude with your recovery. Thank you for the welcome.


Closet drawers, boxes, bathroom drawers. Trying to keep track of the empties was stressful. I always found more than I thought I would.

I really appreciate everyone’s honesty here. I’ve never been able to tell anyone about my secret which has made trying to get sober incredibly difficult. Reading people’s stories that sound so much like mine makes me feel a small weight of shame lifted because I don’t feel alone.


I hid pints of whiskey and empty beer cans everywhere. A lot of times it took me a while to remember :roll_eyes:. I once hid a 1/2 case of beer from the night before outside in the can under the old recyclables in very hot weather. I drank it the next morning over ice after the fam had left for work and school. I don’t know if you’ve ever forced down skunked beer before but God damn. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


Empties were the worst. I’d often drink lots when my husband was out of town and I’d take away about half of them so it looked like I only drank a normal amount while he was gone. Alcoholic reasoning :joy: Now I’m just guilty of too many sparkling water cans.


And the fact I thought no one knew lol like I’m a magician :sob:


How about HOT Vodka…after it was stashed away in the truck of my car in the summer heat? Almost gagged trying to get it down.