Which hero & villain best explain your sober vs. addict self?

Addiction = Agents from The Matrix (take all shapes and show up everywhere once they know you’re fighting)

Sobriety = Neo after he dies and can stop bullets with one word, “no”.


Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader

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The Flash and two face. Flash because I can run from any potential thought or situation that might lead me to drinking. Two face because when I drink I can turn on the charm but I am really ugly.

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Harley Quinn when I’m drinking. I laugh hard, party harder and do insane things.

Spiderman when I’m sober. I’m sarcastic, witty and able to get out of sticky situations (a-ha, see what i did there? Sticky? Webs? Lol). Plus he’s a badass, nuff said. :wink:


The Joker - Chaotic Evil

Batman - Chaotic Good

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I’m probably a mixture of The Joker, Lex Luther and Darth Vader when I’m drunk. Psychotic, ruthless, conniving and will destroy anything in my path.

Now I’m more like Iron Man, Sarcastic with the ability to use my brain and hands to sort any situation out.

Although I got compared to Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony earlier whilst playing guitar to my daughter. Does that count :joy:


Batman in his cave when I’m drinking. A lot of it was about putting on a mask and hiding my inner selves from the world. Sober Me is Wonder Woman, hurling the Lassoo of Truth all over the place and doing awesome high kicks.


Addiction: Q - A trickster and chameleon who plays mind games all for his own amusement. Confident, feared and immensely annoying.

Sobriety: Data - Gentle and caring (although lacking a complete grasp of human emotion). Incredibly strong and resilient. Always curious and seeking knowledge/self improvement.

Great question! :smile:


But I LOVE Q!!


This is a tough question. I’m going with:

Villain: Chairface Chippendale…only because of the chair…I sat on my chair drinking away the nights.

Superhero: Well, I guess I must now be The Tick…I’m not really a superhero but I do try to be good.



Ichigo from bleach when I’m sober because I continually learn and grow even tho I’m stubborn and dead pool when I’m fucked up Cus I’m still kind of a good guy but i do shit my own way and I’m absolutely insane

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Deadpool when I’m sober - sick sense of humor, kinda bad but in a good way

Joker from the dark knight - sick sense of humor, out for myself, and seriously not giving a fuck about anything with a smile