Who is hangover free & who is struggling

Feeling alone and married is fucking lame

I’m in the middle of my 5th step and my wife is on her 9th… but still pushes her resentments onto me on a daily. I have 4 months tomorrow and she has 5. And nothing i can do about her. I have to stay on my side but it’s hard when I’m treated so badly. And I’m the one working and paying for everything. I cook I take care of things on my days off… but still a piece of shit alone with kids and wife.

Thanks bro

Thank you! I’m posting the pic when we finish it (some time tomorrow, it’s time for the kid to go to bed - he doesn’t want to, of course, so we’re having a little row :crazy_face: same old, same old… kids).


1st day sober. Acted like a fool last night and blacked out. Basically did that 2 nights in a row. Now my SO isn’t talking to me and I totally get it. I scheduled a therapy apt for the coming week. I need to get this in check before I do more damage to my relationship and hurt myself and person I love.


Hangover free :v:


At least you recognize it. Hang in there and keep adding up those days.

The struggle is real though… i ate like 2000 calories of ice-cream over the past 2 days :no_mouth::no_mouth::drooling_face:


I feel you’ll bro it was like that with my first wife. I was a piece of shit only good for a paycheck was her favorite saying to me. I finally had to get out of the 23 year relationship. It hurt but dang I’m remarried now to a beautiful woman and I am friends with my ex wife. The impact on that relationship would of killed me. I still would be paying for mistakes but now I except what I did apologize and I moved on to a new sober life. But that’s ME you have to see what works for both of you. Hang in there see what happens finish the steps and wait.

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:tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: it’s bad though it’s like going on a 3 day bender almost.

I’ve never made cookies until like 2 weeks ago, been making them like a savage since. Fresh cookies are just simply divine.


Hangover free.
On the way the reach 1 week.

Later in the morning will return for doctor appointment.


my most realistic tip for a newcomer to sobriety on this sight is hit the front page, scroll and scroll and scroll until you find like 10 topics you want to join and select “watch” for notifications. there is so much useful info and conversation happening here. hope to see you around! =) oh and WELCOME!


I was on a cookie binge around Christmas… fresh cookies and chocolate milk… man i gotta get my shit together :roll_eyes::grimacing::grimacing:


Same…today has been a waste of a day. I signed up for yoga and wound up just laying on the mat and then did a face mask. This all started with attempting dry January, but after last night it all needs to stop.

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You and me both brother, but I’ll take cookies over shots 8 days a week


Well when you put it that way i guess we do have our shit together :wink:

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1 week is awesome. Congrats and great job. Good thing to see doc also. Keep it going.

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Great job keep gping

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No doubt about that.


Good for you on day 1. I was the same yesterday… don’t remember the last hour and woke up clothes on, lights on, and trying to recount if I said anything stupid (likely). I started therapy a few months ago, my downfall was that I wasn’t 100% honest with my therapist and hid my drinking from the therapist. As I’m discovering therapy can only work if you are truly open and honest. Congrats on day 1!