Who is “social distancing”? How are you doing?

UK schools closing Friday, possible lockdown coming,can’t work from home with our trade…lots of people shitting themselves because we work on commission and statutory sick pay is one day rate pay a week.:pensive:

For all you social distancing troopers out there: more books!


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Please consider using a real public library through ebook distribution like Libby or hoopla, not this pirated site for books! Most authors make very little money anyway, and everyone including the many people in the publishing industry deserves to get compensation for their work. https://www.google.com/amp/s/slate.com/culture/2020/04/internet-archive-national-emergency-library-controversy.amp

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Yesterday at the grocery store while trying to get in/out as quickly as possible while exchanging suspicious glares with other shoppers…I’ve come to realize that I’ve been training for social distancing for years! :sweat_smile: