Who lives in the path of the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse?

I am soooooooo excited for the chance to see a total solar eclipse, as you might tell by my name. I live in Vermont and will be hanging out with my students, whom I am trying to get as excited about it as I am.

Anyone ever had the luck to be in one here?


I’m very envious, always wanted to see one. There won’t be one in the UK in my lifetime unfortunately but hopefully one day I’ll be able to travel to see one.

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I lived in VT for almost 30 years, I love that state.

I feel like there was an eclipse or two back in the 70s when I was in Maine. I seem to recall making the cereal viewing box. I did that with my grandson last time, tho it was a partial. It is fun to do.


I have! We traveled down to Western Kentucky where my family lives to see the last one a few years back and it was amazing. We plan on doing the same this year!


Traveling to texas in april to see it!!


My Sister went to Oregon for the last one in 2016? She said it was pretty surreal, so she’s going to Missouri this April. I suppose I should also experience it before I kick the bucket and take a forever nap.


I will be on the summit of Lyon Mt (northern Adirondack mountains) directly in the center of the full eclipse path. Hoping for no clouds


We do. The cut is getting ready for the event


1999 in Germany. There was a big hype about it. Every shop and newsagent sold special viewing glasses and shields. Every pub, sports club, restaurant, town hall and social centre had a viewing party. Shops and businesses announced they would be shut for an hour or so to allow workers to watch.
The day came, it wasn’t fully cloudy, but pretty overcast where I lived. You could just make out where the sun was behind the clouds.
For me the best word to describe it: anticlimax :confused:


I’m so excited for you!

I experienced the 2017 eclipse and it was 100% amazing! I’d love to travel to see this one too, though it all just depends on other things outside of my control. I have some nice solar binoculars to look at the sun with in general, and I highly recommend them if you’re a astronomy nut.


I like sky stuff


Oh wow, that is the type of event that could send me into an alcohol craving. I am going to start preparing myself for that possibility right now! Thanks for snapping me into my recovery protection protocol.


I will look into those, I teach high school science so they might be a cool addition to the classroom


I really do hope you get a better experience. If there is ever another total solar eclipse coming my way, I’ll definitely try and experience it. But I am not expecting the magic spectacle that everyone was predicting, that didn’t come. And I’m not travelling around for it.
If the sun and moon want me to see it, they have to come to me :rofl:


This is the one I have, which was about 90USD at the time. Celestron has another one that I believe was about 40USD. There are other choices that are cheaper, which might be more suitable for young people to handle, but these have served me well over the years and Celesteon has never let me down.

@HolySquid what a bummer that it was overcast that day!


I viewed the total eclipse in 2017 in Wyoming. We saw the totality, we had the right eye wear, it was amazing, we even made a trip to Mt Rushmore afterwards… the picture doesn’t do it any justice…

We also had a partial eclipse recently in New Mexico, on October 14th if I recall correctly.

It’s basically like having the twilight of sunset in the middle of the day. I find it more calming than exciting. It’s also interesting because it provides experiential evidence for a heliocentric model of the solar system…


I saw the last one from Missouri


1999 in Cornwall. I lay on the grass in our garden that august with my shades on. I remember the birds getting upset and then the silence.


Im getting excited for the great american eclipse of 2024! My mom, husband, and i booked this trip to texas a year ago to witness the eclipse. We met up today to talk details. I bought me and hubby binoculars with phone adapter, viewing glasses, and matching shirts! Countdown is on people!!

Some fun sites:


That’s so cool!

Wish I could experience it. Next time?