Why cant I get this!?

38 days gone. Feel like I’m reseting my sober time every other week. I relapsed last week and picked back up again last night. I’m so gutted with myself I wish this was easy :disappointed_relieved: cant seem to get back on track. My heads saying “well you’ve slipped now you might as well carry on” this is horrendous why cant I just get this!


Morning @X_Toni_X
It’s not an easy process. You’ve got to dig deep. But help and support are always here. Ask yourself what’s causing you to possibly trigger the thoughts about relapse? Is there anything you can do in routine to change that? #YNWA :blush:


I’ve been in and out of recovery and aa meetings for years I just feel like I’m getting worse and I have so much to live for. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done trying to get sober x


Monkey on my shoulder is a great book and the power of now. Keep fighting my friend we got this x

To all of you I whole heartedly recommend “the 30 day alcohol experiment” it is free . It’s by Annie Grace the author of THIS NAKED MIND which you will find recommended on here a lot. You sign up online and then you get a daily email lesson that then takes you to a link with a video lesson or information video, I’m on day 28 and I can from the bottom of my heart tell you it has changed my life. My whole mindset and perception of things has shifted dramatically. Just give it a go with an open mind. You literally have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain. Wishing you all luck and Love


Thank you I will look into this xx


Well I’ve been on this forum for a little over a year. Managing few weeks here and there and managing 30 days once ad 28 another. I’ve learned so much here over that time that gradual things started shifting for me but I can honestly say nothing has changed me as much as this. Some of the videos can be up to 25/30 minute long, some much shorter but please go at it with a totally open mind and willingness to learn and really think about what’s being said. Save all your emails then you will always have them. I also bought the book This naked mind but decided to read it after finishing this experiment so as to consolidate what I’ve learned. I feel like a completely different person this time round. If I crave now which is much less often then I ride the wave or take Annie’s advice and It subsides . Really wish you all luck :blush:


I think the first day you have 3 or 4 videos to watch once you sign up but it’s worth it. One a day after that :+1:


It is the hardest thing I have ever done.
As has been said above, we really do have to dig down deep for the strength and the courage to change.
There are so so many tools we can use to help.
For the first 6 months at least the one thing on my mind was not drinking.
First thing I thought about in the morning, then grateful for going to bed sober at night.
You can do this, just find the strength.


Hi Toni.

Have you got a sponsor or somebody you can talk too when you want to pick up?

I’m on a drug called Antabuse that reacts with Alcohol. If I drunk I would get extremely poorly and it stays in your system for ages so it’s a safety net for me. I referred myself to the drug and alcohol recovery team. It basically makes me accountable and somebody can make sure you take it every day. I’ve copied the link for the Liverpool one below


As well as this I go to AA meetings which is really important.

You’ve made a step admitting you’re powerless over alcohol. If you need anything just ask



This is really great to hear! What a brilliant resource and so glad you have found something that’s helping it fall into place.


Thank you so much :blush::heart:

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Im in the exact position. Keep sharing and never give up. Each day in your life we don’t drink is a day we didn’t drink!:muscle:

I hear you. I was in a terrible cycle of not drinking, then bingeing and unable to string together a lot of days. It was very hard on my self esteem and confidence and of course my family, my health, just everything. I felt like crap for not being to do it.

I wish it was easy, we know it isn’t. But sobriety IS available to all of us right now. We CAN stay sober right now. We ARE sober right now.

For me, sometimes the focus needs to be on right this minute. And I am grateful for being sober right this minute. Your previous sober days were learning times for you. Building up some sober muscles. I know it seems like it isn’t happening, but I believe bit by bit it is.

You are still here trying and thay is what matters. Never give up. You ARE getting this. Keep at it. :heart:

I was lucky i went to AA and i was home never needed to go out and try again got on the program and got a sponsor its worked for me so far wish you well

We all fall, I’ve been sober a million times it seems like… Killed my marriage because of substance really, really got lost in it after last winter then got clean for 120 days only to screw it up for 3 days of crying while I was using… I’m on day 79 now… You can do it! I had to get rid of everyone in my life just to make it these last 79 so I understand your struggle… Cute puppy in the picture! My blue nose pit has helped me so much! Keep your head up though, you’re human. Humans make mistakes.