Why did you decide to pursue sobriety?

Was a simple choice for me in the end- my daughter or alcohol because i cannot have both…i chose my daughter 625 day ones ago


Same answer. :pray:


I had reached the point of wanting the end to come because I couldn’t stop by myself. All the other challenges in my life up to that point I was able to do independently but not the drinking. I hated who & what I had become.


For me it wasnt because of the usual things like legal issues or relationship stuff. I was a highly functioning addict which is why i stayed using and drinking for so long. I figured as long as i go to work everyday and pay my bills i didn’t have a problem. When my ex and I split up i went to stay at a motel room until i could find a place of my own. I have never really lived alone in my life and my use was out of control. One night i broke down and was crying uncontrollably with a syringe in one hand and a pistol in the other I wasnt going to keep living that one way or another and since sobriety never crossed my mind i was going end it myself and while i was sitting on the floor contemplating this. I looked down and seen this bracelet i was wearing that a complete stranger had given me a couple days before. It was a suicide awareness bracelet with the number for the hotline on it. So I called. Thats when i realized that god has better plans for me and thats what kicked off my journey this time. That happened just about 2 and a half months ago and tomorrow i hit 60 days clean.


I woke up a couple of times after drinking myself into a coma with regurgitated food the back of my throat,thats when for me enough was enough

Id just like to edit the first post above please,i think its a bit abrupt or something and doesn’t fully explain.
What i wrote above was the final push that I needed, after so many failures,I was ready and i was getting myself geared up for another attempt when I found out my Dad had prostate cancer which had travelled,what happened with the food was just the kick i needed to get going with it,my aim now was to show my Dad that i could beat the drink before he passed,which I did,my quit date was 22/06/18,he passed on the 18/09/19,I believe my Dad gave me the strength to get to where i am now,And i will never let him or myself down again.


So grateful for our HP and His reach - Grateful that you are here with us working on your sobriety and amazing work on continuing to work on your sobriety and live this life! :hugs:


Honestly, I wanted to live a life pleasing to God. That was my original reason. I made that decision about 30 years ago. And after a long journey of dealing with major root problems, joining support groups, counseling, searching, I finally feel content about where I’m at in this area.


Because, after decades of addiction, I was:

  • hopeless,
  • hateful,
  • bitter,
  • lost,
  • lonely,
  • exhausted, &
  • desperate.

Man, that’s a lot to lug around. With a physical dependence on drugs, too!

I do not regret my decision to pursue a new way to live!


I got tired of waking up in jail…got tired of the hangovers. I was a single mom of 2 and even though I had 3 jobs to support myself and my kids, I still felt like I was on auto mode. I needed to be a better person so I could be a better mom, so I decided I didn’t want alcohol anymore.
In patient treatment twice, out patient treatment once didn’t help…I didn’t want to accept an alcoholic life, I had seen too much of it growing up. After my stroke in 2012, I did alot of soul searching, spent alot of time up mountains(my daughter said that it’s my spirit home) camping by myself and thinking about where I was going in life and where I wanted to go.
I never learned alot of our traditions and customs because I was too busy drinking. Now I am teaching myself how to bead, tan hides and many more of our traditions. I am not proud of my past but I am proud of the fight I put up to be where I am today.


Welcome to the community friend and a great job on joining us here! Loads of amazing advice and wonderful non judgmental support here. Hope to see you around!


Drinking became a boring prison. I was either drunk or hungover for many many years and I was starting to scare myself with how little I cared anymore.
I spent the majority of my adult life covered in mystery bruising from blacking out and little to no self esteem left. I was dying, very slowly.


Hello everyone,

I chose sobriety years ago. Ive been sober since 2018, and I havent looked back. I was on a self destructive path. I wont go into details, but I’ll just say it wasnt good.


I don’t have some big story, or anything like that… I just owe it to myself to be present in every moment of my life that I can. And with the alcohol, I couldn’t do that… it may seem selfish, but I have to be in the moment and present. I owe it to ME to show up at everything I need to become the person I need to be.
It is short, but it keeps me pushing and striving for what I want.


My last drink (the whole bottle) didnt get ne drunk. Thats when i knew I had to do something different!


My life before sobriety was work, drink, hangover, maybe see 1 friend once a week for a coffee. My house was a mess, my mind & body were numb, life was not fun. When my son moved out I was sure I’d drink myself to death & that scared the crap out of me.
Today I’m going on a hike near the biggest lake in Ireland. I’m super excited. I just wouldn’t have done that before.


Happy you are here with us. I think your posts are very moving and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Inspiring; thank you! So important to remember where we came from, and how far we have come. :people_hugging:


I find it extremely hard to live a sober life. Because of alcohol and drugs, I have lost my mental health, my job, my wife and I don’t see my kids as often as I’d like to because of my panic attacks and fear. But I want to feel joy again, the pure pleasure of being alive… now it’s only day 2 but back in the days I was 5 years sober until I relapsed and went to downward spiral. But I won’t give up, I’m gonna win this fight against my demons.


Fight for it @MrMoustache use all your sober tools one day at a time


Thank you! I will!