Why I decided to stop drinking (24)

Regardless of what my family says, everyone in my family drinks, whether it be the adults or the kids who will eventually. It’s a harsh reality in this family tree that nobody talks about. Speaking for myself I don’t like feeling that I need to have a drink to have a conversation, not that I like to socialize with my family anymore for personal reasons, but in general, I’ve been sneakily drinking since I was 14 and ive only ever done it out of peer pressure or sadness. There’s just no reason to enjoy this anymore, because It’s a waste of productivity, quality of life, and its a horrible way to deal with my emotions.

Now if there’s anything I’m gonna die drinking from, it’s water. Have my gallon jug with me right now. Goal is 2-2.5 gallons a day safely spaced out to prevent intoxication. Here’s to new beginnings, I know I can do this.


Welcome Andrew. I’m glad you found us.
Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.
Here’s a good thread for the new comer if your interested.

Advice for new comers and constant relapsers

I hope to see you around.


I’m a 51 yr old grandma of 7 been in and out of prison, rehabs, mental institutions I was on my last bowl of my new drug of choice when I thought to myself what happens when I lose my family all over again I don’t think I could take it or them either broken promises empty words I’ve been sober before for ten years then relapse thinking I could do it once I don’t have any excuse except I’m afraid to be alone or unwanted I’m my own worst enemy but I’m going to rectify that now by giving myself the first 24 hours wish me luck


Welcome to the community, this is a safe place with lots of support and im glad your here with us.

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Oh honey, your entire post hit me to my core. As a fellow grandma I completely understand where you are coming from. One thing that helped me more than anything was refocusing my gaze to the future instead of the past. Set yourself goals. Start small. Set one for the next 24 hours. When you achieve that celebrate it here. Let me know so I can celebrate it with you. Continue with the 24 hours until you feel comfortable adjusting it to a week. Don’t focus on yesterday. As you get time under your belt you will naturally work through any shame or guilt you feel. One suggestion, my dear. Is it possible to change your name? Honey, your goal is to get sober and be a wonderful gma. Holding onto the idea that you are a badgma isn’t helpful to your recovery. I’m here for you, one grandma to another. I’m rooting for you! You got this! :heart:


Thats a lot of water bro. Gonna be keeping restrooms busy :slight_smile: