Why I just pushed a beer away....for the newly struggling

Damn don’t scare me like that Scott, I thought you did drink at first :pleading_face::flushed:
Very glad you didn’t :hugs::heart::+1:
But wow you got a lot of stress going on esp. on your job. Why is it that you have to work this much without a day off? Can you talk to your boss bc that def. is not healthy.
Huggs :hugs::heart:


Dont let it be the detrement of your health and happiness. :smirk:


The only way to maintain your sobriety and to help others enhance their sobriety is total honesty. Our stories, honest truthful stories are what saves others. Well, that is AAs take on it.


It’s true no doubt

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I threw 9 1/2 years of continuous sobriety away because of the cunning baffling and powerful manipulative thinking alcoholism did. It’s been hard to come back.

When life on lifes terms become hard that’s when it gets you. Sobriety isn’t a destination where everything is perfect.

I’m glad you made it! the path of recovery can get really narrow at times.

I regret picking up that first drink. At the time it felt like the solution… it wasnt


Virgo too over here giggle


2 managers went out on medical leave, at the same timevI fired 2 people, and a third person saw the handwriting on the wall and quit. All i asked my boss for was 1 day off a week. He has it figured out to get me “relief”…just so happens to be the week my manager gets back from medical leave…he sucks, long story short


Damn :frowning:

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And my boss called, just confirmed I have a replacement manager the week my manager gets back…hey…atleast i know in 2 weeks I will be way overstaffed…am I getting extra time off…no…i am training this guy…going to the store to buys some CAKE! And a lot of it.


:see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: surrounded !


Scott just call in, take a day, leave the work at work man. You like to carry the weight of the world on shoulders and frankly it’s not your job, you don’t have to problem solve for everyone else, be everyone else’s shield and absorb all the blows.

Do you, you’re only responsible for yourself. The tree will die if you don’t water the roots/ground, and then it can’t provide shade for anyone else anyways.

Keep sharing, you help a lot of people, and more importantly it seems to help you.


Good post Scott. I hear where you are at and I am happy you didn’t drink. I am however worried about you working to exhaustion and not in a good way. How can you get some much needed restorative time off?

Thanks again for posting. :heart:


Cake is life :heart::+1:



I am so glad you recognize that you are worthy of a sober life. I am also very happy you are here on TS as a voice of reason. We can all be snarky after a bit on this app. It’s why I had to take a break for a few months.
Anyway, I sure as shit hope you aren’t on salary, because if you are, you should tell your job to fuck off. Seriously . it can not possibly be worth the physical and emotional toll it is taking on you.


The snarky part was just the acloholic in me justifying isolation…i think we all know I dont give a fuck what people think…lol…i will speak my mind.


That was amazing ty

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Please, you got Virgo written all over you😘

Most of us V’s are going through work issues and it’s going to continue for bit. You know no one can outwork us but it’s not great to take it all on yourself. Another V trait. We can be a bit of the Martyr. I hate it when people tell me that but if I stop and think about it I do have a tendency to expect too much from other mere mortal.

(Remember, you like me😁)


The reality is for me…if i drink again, i will never be sober again. This thought is what pushed that beer away


Wow Scott, thank you for sharing this, that’s a scary situation and a good wake up call for all of us. Thank goodness you know and realised that you are worth so much more than having that drink

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