Why I’m getting sober

When I turned 21 alcohol became convenient and easily accessible. I started becoming reliant on alcohol. I’m naturally introverted and it made me feel happy and want to talk to everyone. If I had a bad day I knew I could buy a bottle and drink myself better.
I am young and have already done so much damage because of alcohol; drinking and driving, totaling cars, putting myself and others in unsafe situations, the list goes on…
Four days ago my parents found me unresponsive on my bathroom floor. I don’t remember getting home (thankfully I didn’t drive that night) but I know I hit my head on something because it still hurts.
I’m scaring myself. I’m reckless and if I keep this going I’m going to hurt myself or someone else. This post is my promise to never touch alcohol again. But I definitely will have to post in the future because -right now, I know my shame is masking it -the cravings will be back. It’s also hard when you’re in your 20s and everyone wants to always drink or go to bars (and I’m part of that everyone lol).


Welcome to the forum.
Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.
Here are two good threads to start:


Many heartfelt blessings and prayers to you * being young is definitely a challenge & has it’s expectation… I’ve been there done that and wish I could go back & change things… you have that opportunity now to change your life… it won’t be easy and saying “no thank you” to a drink will be hard but worthwhile in the long run… and that’s what you have to actually look forward to… the long run; your tomorrows… we here at this community will listen and give you advice and try our best to help you… but we need you to help as well and that’s with taking a good look at your inner self and saying “I love myself and can make this change” * it won’t be easy but it’ll be worthwhile * try to find like minded friends and never be embarrassed to stand up for your goal towards being sober *


Hi Chloconut (amazing name btw).

I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharinf and reaching out.

I was 20 when I got sober for the first time, and I was sober for 10 years. I will tell you, I do not regret getting sober at that age at all and it was VERY HARD at first, but it being that hard didnt last. And my life is so beautiful today, and I am so grateful for all that I have, all that I have learned and the joyrney that I am on today…and I owe so much of that to my decision to get sober at that young age.

It was super weird being the youngest all the time in sober places. I personally went to AA and it may be for some people and not for others. I learned so much there, and I still treasure the 12 steps and am working through them again though I do not attend AA any longer and I am using this group. I tried drinking again at 30 (to be honest though I was a very hard bottom and really out of control as a young person, I think part of me did wonder if I could drink and the other part of me knew I couldnt and even if I could this was a bad idea!). Anyway, I had 6 very ineventful and very spaced out drinking - nothing bad, nothing rampany a few drinks evedy few months. But then something happened in my life, and my behaviour quickly changed. Again still nothing too crazy, but crazy enough that I am (a) scared of alcohol - and have been for a while, (b) willing to do anything to quit again.

I share all tjis with you, just because I know at 20 im not sure I could have imagined how I could quit, whether it was possible or knowinf what to do. And even though Im on another journeh now, I am so filled with hope, I have a beautiful life and beautoful family, and I have a lot of tjings I have learned in my life and journey that gives me the strength I need to be here today. I wouldnt have any of this in my life if I didnt quit when I was young.

Anyway, you ever want to chat or anything Im totally here as an ear. I have no judgment of peoples decisions or journey (I mean it may flash in my brain bc Im human but I try not to judge people on their journey :slight_smile: ), I try not to give advice and jsut wish you all the help and support you need to do what it is you want to do. And if that is quit this little community (which I have just found myself) appears to be open 24/7! I seriously wish you the best. Being 20 is not fucking easy!



Thank you so much for your kind words and sharing your own experience !!! I really appreciate all the advice I get, because it IS hard being sober at a young age. Everyone wants to party and get messed up - including me lol. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post, it makes my day knowing I have the support/advice resources available :slight_smile: I hope you have a lovely day and congratulations on your sobriety and beautiful life !! <3

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Not a problem :slight_smile: all of our journeys are so different (some look more a like then others :slight_smile: Hope you stick around and give it a short. Seriously not something I think I have heard anyone regret lol. Hope to see you around!

Welcome @chloconut’ you’ve taken the first step which is often the hardest. This is a great place for support and advice. Check in often it’s very helpful. :blush: