Why isn't coffee something we should quit?



Why isn’t coffee something we should quit?

Because I like most of humanity and I don’t want them to have to meet KFair90 if she has not had her morning coffee. Seriously, give it up if you think you should. But, of all the terrible, awful addictive substances in the world, I am not willing to take up a fight against coffee.


I did quit. I haven’t had caffeine for three months. Maybe I should emphasize that in my post although in my last sentence I say I’m free of all of them. I quit nicotine 20 years ago, alcohol 552 days ago, no caffeine since Thanksgiving, and I gave up ice cream a month ago. Feels great! : )


Been there! ’ )

Don’t stop posting your hilarious memes, Eric! They speak to all of us in the community. They reminded me of the hold coffee used to have on me so I thought it would be fun to start a conversation about it. : )


I agree with you. I am still struggling with that one. It is for me more à habit, a real strong one. The most powerful. I always felt better w/o always fell back. I want to try again.

For me it is addictive as alcohol but at least I don’t want to die after drinking coffee and I don’t write bs messages to people. So mind altering maybe but not numbingly.


Eleven days is pretty big! I remember so many times how hard it was to reach double digits. You’re the boss now. Keep your quit! : )


I’m specifically focused on addictive substances that we consume.

Alas, I confused myself. By the title, I read to much into it. Great job!

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I am physically addicted to caffeine. Without it, I get a terrible headache and I get abnormally tired. The headache usually begins around 2PM and once it starts, it won’t stop. I will go out of my way to prevent that from happening.

I’ve consciously quit before, for about 4 months, maybe longer. It was great. I felt free. I was able to go anywhere and do anything without physical impairments. But I got sucked in again…

I feel you man. I’ll get there again.


I think coffee/caffeine is talked about a lot on here. But maybe I just notice it because I do feel I need to control my intake. I’ve been working on it. I think I can have 1.5 cups and be ok.

We should all be mindful of excess. Balance is good in all areas.


Lol… no way I’m quitting coffee… alcohol, yes! Nicotine, Yes! I love the taste and love the effects … I only have one cup in the morning… it’s a ritual for me. I use a French press and boil my water… it keeps my routine true in the morning.


The main reason I just have one cup of coffee in the morning is because of AFib. I had Atrial fibrillation about 6 or 7 years ago. It could have been because of Holiday Heart. You know, drinking too much alcohol. Or it could have been all my coffee intake. Or both. Or neither. My cardiologist couldn’t pin point the exact reason why I had AFib back then. But he said caffeine could cause it. I had a few procedures to fix my AFib since. My doc said there is nothing wrong with a cup of coffee in the morning. Or even 2. So I’ve just trained myself to 1 cup fresh ground a day. And I don’t drink caffeinated iced tea anymore. Just herbal ice teas and hot teas.


Amen to that!! I love my coffee too. I have one cup every morning I don’t feel I am addicted to it because I will go without. But faithfully every morning my Sumatra awaits me :slight_smile:


clears throat Ahem: “When caffeine interferes with the ability of adenosine to bind these receptors, the release of dopamine is stimulated, and dopamine receptors become available for binding (Figure B above). Once dopamine binds to its receptor, the reward pathway is activated.” https://www.virtualhighschool.com/blog/the-science-of-coffee/


here in Scotland we were brought up with tea , not a coffee guy peppermint tea now ,



Like @anon79808082 I have 2 cups in morning one with sugar second without then I go onto decaff tea for rest of day. X

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Pretty soon you’ll be drinking coffee at night too and then you’ll be buying coffee at a different store every day so they don’t know your secret and then you’ll be hiding coffee in your laundry hamper and you’ll be throwing your bags of empty coffee cups in dumpsters at night and you’ll start missing work. :rofl:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Yep full on addict if that was my worry of addiction I’d be a happy lady (no judgement)

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