Why new members can't post pictures?

Can someone on the admin team please explain why new members are not allowed to post with a picture? And with a link?


The forum is built on an automated trust system. The first part of it is to ensure bots and bad actors don’t terrorize the place.

You’ll be able to post links and pictures soon enough! Just post like normal and within a little while it unlocks. It takes a handful of posts and days to get past the New User level.

More info here about that and other levels:


Thank you!


You’re welcome. Welcome in!


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

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Thank you!

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Welcome to the community. :v:

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Welcome Barb!
Glad you found us. I hope you find this forum as helpful as I have.

Keep reading and interacting and you’ll bump to the next trust level in a very short time.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send a PM to @moderators. Our mod team consists of volunteers (in recovery) spread out in various time zones across the globe.


And just like that! You should be able to post links and photos now. :blush:

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Welcome to Talking Sober :wave: As you post some more it should be working :+1: