Will sobriety make me a better person?

Thank you all for your words of support.

The first step really does begin with getting sober and staying that way. I’ve just done my first Saturday night sober in months. With my husband sat next to me downing pints since 4pm. Just got into bed. So incredibly happy I didn’t drink today.

One. Day. At. A. Time.


Being sober you’ll be more like yourself; good and bad. The person you were born to be! There’s definitely down days but that’s life, really.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sobriety comes from self-respect, caring about & respecting boundaries, and effort. Those are all things we do when we care for ourselves and others.

Being caring & respecting boundaries for your own health and the health of others, is something important for being a respectful person in the world.

Does sobriety make us better? I don’t know. But does caring and respecting boundaries make us better? Yes.


Remember when u picture ur sober self, it is not a different person. If u are introverted u will still be introverted. If u tend to put things off, u will still put things off. Expecting to be an entirely different person may lead to disappointment. That said, u will become a better version of urself. And alcohol and I guess drugs too degrade u so much. Add into the mix these make mental illnesses worse, u can be quite dramatically better. So no and yes. Lol


Staying sober is the first step and then you will see things much clearer and you can work on one thing at a time. No one is perfect but staying sober will mean a lit to your family.


Getting rid of the alcohol starts to clear the cobwebs in your brain, and It makes it impossible to hide from your problems anymore. Whatever pain you have been avoiding can now be a priority. Alcoholism tends to delay psychological development.


Really can’t say if being sober will make you a better person.
I do, however, know what being sober won’t do…
It won’t make you a worse person.

Go well


Nice to see this post, friend.


In my experience, being sober is definitely conducive to being “better.” In many ways the simple act of drinking clouded my judgment in ways I didn’t recognize until I had some sobriety. So much became apparent once I had a few weeks clean.

The effort I needed to stay sober, that took more work toward actually getting better. That’s when the real magic started.

So guess I’d say, to me, being sober was a prereq for getting better. And getting better was a req for staying sober.


Sober is better, and is the first step of getting better at getting better each and every day. Better today than you were yesterday, and tomorrow better still.


There it is.


Being sober will make you crazy :joy:
Personal growth will make you a better person.

This is it for me. I work my ass of and i am blooming


For this Goat, sobriety does not equal stopping drinking. I can stop drinking and be the same self centered asshole I was before. If sobriety is the goal, it begins by physical sobriety and then extends into emotional sobriety, which for this Goat is a more difficult exercise.


And what contains that emo sobriety?
Enlighten me with the wisdom of the GOAT

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For me, I didnt notice the changes right away but suddenly one day I woke up and realized I am a better mother, I am more fit because I am exercising and taking care of myself, I am more present, I have more energy and… man I am cooking up some amazing food!! I have a bucket list of recipes. It doesnt happen over night. It has taken me year of trying my ass off. I am still not perfect but I am a million times better than I was as a drug addict alcoholic. Take it one step at a time, each sober day is like a drop into an ocean of sober happiness.


Who said we are perfect? We learn to accept ourselves, good and bad. We are our worst critics. We don’t have the power to fix anything. We allow it to come to pass when we are ready for it. We utilize our defects as lessons and to help others. We keep it simple. Staying clean and sober is enough. You’re enough :heart:


Hands down yes brother. I have noticed in 44 days that I am way less selfish and get joy when I do things for others. I am way less angry with people,and myself. I can hold conversations without feeling like I need to be boozed up. I actually look forward to walking up each day, and appreciate the smallest things in lo life that I didn’t used to. I also notice I have reflected on the wrong things I did to people and my family and have true shame and guilt for it, which are not bad things to feel btw, bc you can use that to grow, and make amends. When I was drinking I would get loaded so I could bury away the shitty things I did and the shitty person I was. I dont even feel like the same person anymore, and the longer I dont drink the more of a positive change I will see. I have learned to forgive myself, strap on my shoes and fight this thing. It was so hard at first as you know, but it’s only getting easier and easier!!!


12 posts were split to a new topic: Horse thief fun

@NoMoGin-HERE2WIN @Napqueen50

Welcome to the community guys!! First time posters on my thread - fantastic to hear from you! :slight_smile:

I definitely have been using alcohol to block things out and not have to think about them. I think I was using to ‘relax’ but ‘relax’ actually meant blur my Mind and stop it from thinking. About everything. Both good and bad.

I’m on day 5 now. I’ve never done so much cooking!! My family has eaten so well these last few days lol :joy:

I feel better. But always the thought - can I keep this up?!

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keep comming :wink:
keep comming