What kind of withdrawal symptomes do you have?
My list is luckly not so big but still… You feel that youre body is totally in recovery (day 4 sober now)
My heartbeat sometimes feels like pounding out of my chest, weird dreams and sweaty nights.
Sometimes wakeup couple of times in one night
Someone any idea when those things are getting more less?
@Nouchka my withdrawls stopped around 2 weeks after i quit drinking.
Night sweats, irritability, nightmares…
Just the affects if it body having to deal without the chemicals we put into it.
It will pass i promise you!
Hi Nouchka, 4 days that’s great keep going, everyone is different but like someone else said 2 weeks for those kind of withdrawals is about right, your heart pounding may also be anxiety that creeps up on you when you get sober, anxiety you may not have noticed as much with a drink in you, if you haven’t thought about it or done so already I’d strongly recommend you try out some aa meetings, you will always be welcomed to meet like minded people in person who you can talk to about what you’re going through
Importance of Distraction When Dealing with Alcohol Withdrawals.
Distraction is a powerful tool for helping people make it through the early days of recovery. This is because the worst thing that the individual can do is remain focused on their discomfort and cravings. Distraction means turning away from the original focus or interest. When people do this it means that they can at least temporarily escape the stimulus that was making them uncomfortable. Examples of the type of distraction that people might use in early recovery include:
Watching television – comedy shows can be a particularly good form of distraction.
Listening to music, but this should not be anything that reminds the individual of drinking.
Going for a walk can be a great distraction, and the fresh air also tends to make people feel better.
Vigorous exercise is another effective solution, but this may not be appropriate for those who are in early recovery and have not exercised in a long time.
Spending time with other people.
Playing computer games, though this can have its’ own complications for compulsive behavior.
Reading a book is another option but some individuals may not have the concentration for this in early recovery. Audiobooks may be an effective solution for those who have trouble reading
Most people will only have mild withdrawal symptoms that will not be any worse than an episode of influenza. It is the knowledge that the individual is able to stop the symptoms by drinking again that makes them more difficult to cope with. In order to make it successfully through alcohol withdrawals it is helpful to:
It is important to keep in mind that the unpleasant symptoms are only temporary, and the rewards for sitting them out are important.
The worst thing that people can do is to wallow in their suffering. It is best to keep the mind distracted as much as possible.
If people have the right mental attitude they may experience very little in the way of symptoms when they give up alcohol.
Those individuals who expect the worst may be more likely to struggle with their withdrawal symptoms.
If there is any suggestion that the individual may be progressing towards delirium tremens they will need to medical assistance right away.
When people feel like they are about to give into the cravings they should delay for an hour. The cravings are likely to lessen during that time and if not they only need to commit to one more hour – by just keep on committing to one more hour the individual makes it through this stage of weakness.
It can be helpful to write a letter at the start of the process where the individual writes in detail about their reasons for wanting to quit, and their expectations for a future life in sobriety. If they feel like their motivation is beginning to wane they can look back on this letter for inspiration.
It can be helpful to remember that many millions of people have successfully made it through the withdrawal process. There is no reason for why the individual cannot do the exact same thing.
The companionship of other people can be a great help at this stage of recovery.
There is no requirement for people to feel miserable during this period of adjustment. Laughter is one of the most effective medicines on the planet and is highly recommended.
Hey JoJo! Thank you so much! Indeed its something to think about. Today i have a meeting with my addiction counselour and i will discuss this olso.
And im gonna search for some AA meetings nearby
Thank you so much! Blessings🌹
Congrats on 4 days!! .if you’re still having physical withdrawals you definitely need to hydrate, drink a lot of water, it helps flush your system. Sugar can help as well. Alcohol is metabolized like sugar in our system so eating candy, chocolate especially can “trick” the body into thinking it’s getting what it needs instead of alcohol. Tylenol for body aches, cool shower before bed helps with the sweats and any form of exercise helps burn off physical anxiety. That’s the easy parts, for me detoxing from alcohol and opiates was nothing compared to the mental chaos going on in my head…that’s a slower fix that required AA meetings, a sponsor and starting the 12 steps as soon as possible…my biguest problems were living life without drugs and alcohol to run to. …now, I run to the tools I’ve been taught in recovery. Welcome to our tribe:smile:
Thank you so much for youre comment and tips ! Directly drinked half liter of water with lemon hahaha
Ive been in a clinic with the 12steps (i was using medication like morfine , marihuana cocaïne ect…)
Clean of that now for a couple of months But the 12steps is not really my way to quit
Have made a own kind of program with an addiction counselour for me that Works better.
But Ive seen allot of people we re the program really Works and fits for them Thank you for recommend that
6days Today one day to go and than the first hard week is over