Woke up like this

I keep having dreams that I ended my sobriety and start drinking , I get angry then I buy myself beer and come home and drink , then I wake up a feel guilt that I drank in my dream. What does this mean :cry:


It’s normal, i think almost everyone has had those dreams. They come less frequently as time goes by. Keep on ODAAT :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve had dreams like this too, and I wake up thinking I’ve been drinking. Once my brain wakes up a little bit I’m like :thinking: wait a minute….

I think it happens because we have been drinking so regularly for so long and now that we are not doing it our subconscious is still practicing the ritual of drinking sometimes. I don’t know if that’s accurate lol but that’s my theory :woman_shrugging:t2:


It means you are normal, and while you are awake, you thinking about sobriety. It gets better. An hour or so, before you go to bed, try engaging you brain on something other than sobriety…read a book, listen to music, exercise, paint.


I have a couple of drinking dreams a month. I have never been able to figure out what they mean or where they come from but I have no desire to drink so I try not to let it bother me!

Here is another recent thread on the topic :point_down:

Why do we have Drinking dreams?

In that thread, I linked several other recent threads on the same topic. It’s a popular subject :slightly_smiling_face:


It definitly is very normal :slight_smile: not pleasant but normal. I’ve woken up literally thinking I’ve used… the dream seemed so real. Idk the scientific meaning behind it :confused: I do remember many years ago tho when I tried to quit I used to dream of death often. Really freaked out :frowning: my sponsor told me that death can also mean rebirth and change. Our minds do weird things :thinking:


Super weird how real those dreams feel. I woke up the other day and it took me a few minutes to remember that I did NOT drink 2 bottles of wine the night before :sweat_smile: just a dream.

I’m sure they’ll become less frequent as we remain sober


Maybe just a subtle reminder of the morning after, awful feelings we dont want to have or experience again? Its so much better to be sober and not have those emotions of regret an anger from a relapse. Just stick with it, it gets better.
‘Famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud described dreams as the royal road to the unconscious and suggested that by studying the obvious content of dreams, we could bring to light the hidden and unconscious desires that lead to neurosis


This above has helped me a lot to clear my dreams…

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Thank you , I actually am a painter and love to read , my dreams are very vivid , it’s just the worst feeling to wake up from a drunk dream lol

Wow thank you! I’m glad I’m not alone in this phenomena. Hopefully they’ll go away after some time


Yes ! Also I’ve been seeing 11:11 a lot and 5:55 3:33 and I had to look it up ! It interpreted that I’m on the right path according to numerology and I never noticed these numbers before !

Interesting :face_with_monocle: yeah not having a hangover is better than being drunk!

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Oh wow I had no idea this was a thing ! I feel more normal now lol

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