Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Hey love…not all our emotional roller coasters arecdue ro periods. Our hormones are playing havoc 24 hrs /7 days per week. Ive found that the older im getting the crazier this roller coaster gets.
This time around your period is on its way, your cpap machine isnts working properly (so not getting proper rest), changing your medication and on top of all that mothers day is coming up. Just give yourself a great big hug :people_hugging:! Glad you were able to have a good cry. Let out the emotions that are building up. Whatca great feeling when we can start to feel lighter.

Can you do something about getting the cpap macine fixed sooner or get a new one? Is it possible to get an even lower dosage of quetiapine? Maybe weening yourself off of it will be a better solution.
Be kind to yourself. :heart:


Awww, thank you! 🩷 It was a good and a needed cry indeed.

Unfortunately I’m not able to get an appointment sooner. They’re quite booked and understaffed at the moment. They’re getting more and more new people coming in to get the treatment also. And also for quetiapine 25mg is the lowest. But to be honest I’m sorta ok with all of this. It is what it is. I’m sure it’ll balance out soon enough. And I have some fun stuff waiting for me! Dear friend’s wedding on Saturday and then I’m off to see other friends for a few weeks in a different town.


Glad to hear that you are okay with how things are and more thrilled that you have lovely upcoming events to look forward to.
Just reach out here if things start to pile on or when you become overwhelmed.
Have a wonderful day :blush:


Thank you! :pray:t3::hugs::heart: I will!

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Oh sweety. What a ride. Sending you hugs. See you tomorrow.

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Thank you dear! :heart::pray:t3::hugs: Hugs back. And yes, see you tomorrow!! :raised_hands:t3:

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Aargh, not been on here for a while but lo and behold I started today with bleeding. So tired of the uncertainty


I am right with you. My range is 32 to 40 days. And am currently at day 38, cramps, water retention, breast hurt, but no menstruation :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: mood matching the weather and even acknowledging my mood to hormones I am somehow only looking for a tap on my back and no advices to improve my mood as this will only make me more angry.

I am happy for you that it’s started so better time is around the corner, hormonal wise.



I know what makes me feel better in these situations: stay away from people and breathe


Since 3 days it feels like my period is about to start, but still nothing. I’m bloated like a marshmallow you put in a microwave and I feel all the feels…please don’t let me wait any longer! Gosh dammit :face_with_spiral_eyes::roll_eyes:
Rant over :sweat_smile:


Day 23 of cyclus
Bloating initiated :space_invader: :robot: :pregnant_woman:
Emotions still balanced!



Sorry in advance for the depressing post…

How do you all deal with the idea that this is something that we have to keep going through for such a big part of our lives? Until peri/menopause, when things get WORSE. What the actual hell? Regularly having these super emotional times which you basically have to discount because it’s ‘just hormones’ but just hormones is rough enough. And then always second guessing yourself if something is annoying or upsetting and not really being sure what you are genuinely annoyed or upset about.


I hear you. As long as we don’t stop the rollercoaster by heavy intervention, the answer unfortunately is yes. Fucking hormons fucking up the quality of life on a regular basis. Women should be allowed to stay home with full payment these on days. I often enough took a sick leave.
We can only hope that the perimenopausal bullshit is over soon. At least I still have hope to be free of hormon rambazamba for good.

Does a hug help? :people_hugging: Sending you hugs and giving you a pat on the back. Please have some flowers to make you smile for a moment :bouquet::rose::tulip::sunflower::cherry_blossom::four_leaf_clover:


I try to take it one cycle at a time. And I think we as women should also be more understanding among each other.
I try to keep this in mind to be gentle to myself as I am judging myself too much to hard during these days. And as my cycle seems to be different every time I can get even angry with myself. But this doesn’t really help. Yesterday for example in day 1 felt so fat and got again obsessed with my breast, I forced myself to be out in nature and not be focused on myself and hating myself for the only body I have during this life.


And what I really really don’t like/hate is when you tell people that your are not in a good mood and maybe not the best company atm, they say: no worries. And when it turn out that, indeed, you are not the best company today, will tell you: oh, you are really xyz today :zipper_mouth_face::exploding_head::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I try not to think about that long term. I rant every other month about it and that’s it. I can’t change it anyway so I try to accept it. Sometimes that works good, sometimes not at all.


What I hate is when you criticize something or do not say yes to everything and everyone people are like “are you on your period?”. Like yes, every time someone crosses my line I’m on my period :roll_eyes:


It’s okay.
We are here with you.

How to deal with… Yah puhhhh siiiigh!
Maybe we can create our dream world.

I would need 3 days (day 28, 1 and 2 or additionally day 27) of:

  • no work
  • meals are prepped and served and all acc to my wishes
  • silence
  • no decisions to take
  • nature
  • sports
  • cozy environment
  • housekeeper
  • private pool
  • funny training partner with same pace
  • private yoga teacher

Ok, just a dream. But why not.

What helps me is to focus on the good days of the cycle, I am happy that I have more of the good ones then the bad ones. It is just like winter spring summer and autumn…

I have a realy newborn feeling 2 days after starting to bleed. Like a snake that lost her old skin. I am trying to party this a bit…

Haaahh, but all the tips, we are all different and should all have access to this dreamland for these days!



It finally began :relieved: The timing was not the best (started bleeding while walking home) but still: yay. This time there is no headache or any other pain or extremely bad mood. I hope that doesn’t change :crossed_fingers:

Update on day 2:
There it is, the pain and the cramps that you even feel in your legs. Decided to go home earlier today to lay down with a hot water bottle. Meh.
Oh and don’t let me start to talk about my mood…