Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Just wanted to chime in. Peri menopause is driving me nuts, and everyone around me.
It’s like PMS every day.
Since this hormonal rollercoaster started everything got worse: cravings, moods, you name it.
I feel you people with uteruses!
And yes @Mischa84, I sometimes hate my kid too :roll_eyes:


Okay all, I bought the ClearBlue menopause kit to see if I could self diagnose my stage since I am 45 in a few months and having two full periods a month. I also bought one for each of my besties and passed them out at our Christmas party because I love a lab test.

This is not an endorsement for the product just another tool in my fact finding mission. I’m still in pre-menopause according to the tested hormone levels. I think I will attribute the two periods a month to stabilization of hormones after a 25 year span of drinking and I’ll let my provider test my levels at my next annual exam.

This was kind of a freeing experience. It was easy to blame any symptoms on “I’m old” or “its probably menopause”. This just means I have more work to do on my moods and my activity levels in general. Onward!


Im very happy now since i got my HRT and it really helps with perimenopausal symptoms (sweats, heatwaves, joint aches, insomnia and godzilla moods). Was very against artificial hormones, but boxed the compass after months of trial. I don’t need more stress in my life, so this will do for now.


May I ask in which form you are taking HRT?


Just to say ladies that I am nearing my period and I FEEL OUT OF MY MIND WITH IRRITATION. :disappointed:


Not sure if people will see this since it’s an old post and TMI warning: only for women!:sweat_smile:

My first period since being sober (one month today) is so heavy :sob: anyone else experience this? Geesh. No wonder I’ve had bad migraines lately.


Safe spot here to chat about it if you’d like. My first few were dangerous to my sobriety due to the mood swings. It gets better.

We are fairly active here.


I would be lost without my tracking app. I use Flo and it helps me realize I am not approaching insanity, just another cycle. Hang in there.


Thank you!!

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My periods were really heavy for 3 months when I quit drinking. I changed my tampons several times a day but then my 4th month my periods were back to normal. It’s crazy and messy but hopefully yours will be back to normal soon too :hugs:


This is really interesting. My periods have been heavy the last few months. I hadn’t linked it to stopping drinking, thought maybe it was a middle-age thing ! Hopefully it’ll settle down soon as it’s, erm, high maintenance :flushed: x


Hi Ladies, I moved all recent posts to this thread since it’s much more active. I hope you all don’t mind.


Perfect, thank you :heart: x


I’m sure it will settle down. I asked other women who have stopped drinking if their periods were as heavy as mine and they all said they went through it too. My periods have been normal since then so I’m praying yours will settle down too :hugs:


Just putting this here as I continue to adapt to my ever-changing menopausal self :wink:



Thank you :blush:

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Love this so much :heart::hugs:

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Thank you Meka :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart: X

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My moods today.


Hello and sorry for a late reply. The forms i have ended up to use (after some trials) are hormone plasters (estrogen/progesterone) and estrogen gel as additional treatment. Ive learned that allthough the trend of estrogen is decrease, during perimenopause ones own hormonal system generates estrogen spikes which makes it more puzzling. So the doses need constant adjusting. So, even if you find out that some form suits you, it might not suit you forever, cause levels are changing monthly and long term. People are individuals in what medication works best. Only thing I can say hrt is worth a try if nothing else works :+1: