Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Aha, you just reminded me , haven’t taken my iodine drops for a while :pray:


I hope it helps! Send you hugs :hugs: Every bleeding woman needs hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Just having some… thank you so much.


me too! can’t take photo. miss marple sleeps on me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I love my cats. :grin:. Absolute godsend. Their so funny. I talk to them all the time. This one literally is in my face in the mornings purring really loudly to get me up, and paws my nose and eventually a little bit of claw if I don’t stir!


Well the anger I’m feeling is right on time :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: today is suppose to a good day. Trying to turn my attitude around but everything is annoying


I’m on a chocolate bar a day right now, something is looming!. I finished the last bit of yesterday’s and I’m going out to get more :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow:… that’s the way it is right now. I go totally off chocolate at other times.


I am so sorry. I also found this procedure to be horrendously painful and was shocked as they hadn’t offered pain relief. I have given birth and this was definitely on a par. I felt violated after. The nurse was lovely and whatever i just couldn’t believe how painful it was and how there was no pain relief. Gas and air would have been so helpful. It would not be this way of men had to have it done.



Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::joy:


The " … no further studies are expected on this subject." Makes me wonder how many test subjects they have had already that they are so sure now!



Only 1 is needed for that experiment :joy::joy::joy:




My husband asked me what was wrong today. I said I’m bleeding out over here what do you think is wrong :joy::joy:


Ugh I can feel mine is about to start. I’ve felt irritable all day.


I’ve been using this supplement for about 2 months, and I feel like it has helped with mood stability and the chin acne that I get around my cycle. Might be all in my head though.


The acne is soooo annoying!! Like I’m in my late 30s I don’t want that shit :joy:

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My thoughts exactly!!

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Morning ladies.

The hormonal witch is approaching. Well she has been for two weeks now but I had epic mood swings yesterday and I’m ashamed to tell you what almost happened next. The endo pain is also chronic so I’m expecting an appearance any time now today or tomorrow .

So yesterday I was in a mood I can only describe as wanting to crawl out of my own skin. I craved all day for drink despite being on day 25 AF and doing really well without cravings. I felt desperate.

Last night at 10.30 I said to my husband I can’t do this I need to drink go to the shop. That’s the short version.

By some miracle and I don’t know how but my friend who I was online chatting to at the time who knows nothing of my alcohol issues out of the blue said to me… we should be getting to bed. We have done so well losing weight this week if we stay up we will start snacking… she was getting hungry. I don’t know why it clicked in that very moment but it did. I thought omg what the actual F am I doing. I rang my husband said no… no. Made a mistake don’t get anything.

I’m up this morning and so grateful for my friend.

Hormones are no joke. It almost ruined my progress.

Speaking of acne I’m on almost a month of inositol but it apparently takes 3 months to kick in. It’s good for pcos and moods too. The doc also prescribed me soolantra for my skin and I’m seeing a difference in a week.

Hugs ladies

Good luck to everyone on the roller coaster x


I am so happy for you that you made it to bed sober. Please tell your husband that no matter what shit is up your head and no matter how much you plead him and how much you are responsible for yourself and able to hand one tiny drink: he shouldn’t fucking go out for you and get it! I really think it is his responsibility to not buy you booze. Maybe I am stupid. But if you want a drink and you decide to have it, you should go out. Well, of course not: you should listen to people here, so come here and you should listen to wise friends like the one you have :innocent::pray: