Women's hormonal roller-coaster

A quote from somewhere.

“We’re not bitchier. Having a period makes us tired and achy, so we have less tolerance for all the BS we normally SUFFER IN SILENCE.”


Just saw this woman on Instagram. I love her. #claire_training

'why is it called menstruation and not womenstruation? -'cause it causes pain :joy:


Really not fair why it’s not called
Didn’t look at the Instagram link. Will later.
Editing to add I can appreciate the humor of the “men” and “pain”.

Here’s what wiki says about the word just fyi for anyone wondering.

“ Etymology and terminology

The word menstruation is etymologically related to moon. The terms menstruation and menses are derived from the Latinmensis ‘month’, which in turn relates to the ancient Greek mene’moon’ and to the roots of the English words month and moon.[83]


I am not an intensely spiritual person but the fact that the moon controls the tides and we have a monthly cycle just like the moon blows my mind. I am very interested in the moon/menstruation connection.


I’m amazed by the fact that women who live together get in sync together usually.
My friends and I knew that a long time before they started talking about it in the medical literature. Now I just fact checked it and find out it’s not exactly in the medical literature. It’s happened to me frequently.


I lived in an all girls dorm for a year and it is definitely the case that this happens. Periods (although inconvenient) are really mystical and amazing to me.
Also nothing reminds me more quickly that humans are animals.


This might be a weird thing to share and id really like some women to interact with this cause i dont think men can relate as well

So my periods used to be so unmanageable. Like excruciating, taking myself to the hospital, having to call in to work levels of pain. It was hell. But now, being 2 and a half months sober, so much easier. I take 1 advil on day 2 (worst day for me personally) and i feel fine. Nauseous still but wayy less. Is it just me, or have other women also noticed changes like this? Like ive heard alcohol can make cramps worse but wow. This is so easy now.


Hi Amanda, there is a thread about period discussions, you might find that one useful;

Unfortunately not my case, first 48 hours are still like hell, and I take ibuprofen like candies to get through somehow… :exploding_head:


You are not alone! Join us on the thread :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:. My periods were always hell until my operation. PMS was a big deal for drinking and craving for me.
Now I pray that this rollercoaster is and stays over as I’m menopausal.


I have pcos and I feel it I always have to take a couple ibuprofen in the beginning. If I do it in the beginning it’ll usually keep major cramps away throughout my period. And last time I got my period when I was drinking it was the most painful one of my life :joy::joy::sob: so I’d believe it


For me it isn’t the pain difference but the moods! Hormones plus alcohol made my moods swing high to low or vice versa in minutes. Lots of picking fights with the husband and lots of binging to zone out. Deep deep dark moments and hyper/manic days are a thing of the past. I’m a year and a few months sober and this is a great reminder of why I should stay that way. We’ve got you on that hormonal roller coaster thread if you need us. Keep going!


Hi yes, I find my emotions all over the place, only on early days of trying to stay sober again, so with the ups and downs with that and peri menopausal is awful



What a great post! In my 20 I don’t remember having as many hormonal spikes. Now as a woman in my 30’s my cycle kicks my ass. Old injuries flare, brain fog, the pain, hormonal outpour. The bloating :sob:. It’s hard to keep balance when it’s disrupted so magnificently every month.

Sometimes I fall into these dark spaces of doubt and confusion. It reminds me of coming down so it’s super uncomfortable.


I’m sitting on the train rn heading home. I hope it’s fast lol because today literally EVERYTHING makes me cry :joy:
I just witnessed an argument between 2 women and a man jumped in and explained to one of them, calmly, that some things are not worth arguing. He did it so nice that I (on the other platform) almost lost it :joy:
Oh man…


It be like that sometimes. Hoping your bed is comfy and the tea (that will make itself lol) is hot when you get home!


Have a good ride home :people_hugging:


I’m home now @erntedank and @Earth , watching the JUICE launch now (ESA mission to Jupiter) and I’m tearing up again lol (I really have to laugh about me now). But this mission is so awesome so a lot of emotions are around now :heart_eyes:


I feel the same. My 20’s seemed very different to what I’m experiencing now in my (mid-late) 30’s. It’s actually INSANE that this is a part of the woman’s experience. Like, surely, it’s not meant to be like this! So many woman suffering every month, not just during their period, but the weeks before and after too, depending on our hormones and the balance / imbalance thereof :unamused:


Have a relaxing friday afternoon :hugs:

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