Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I hate having an irregular period. I was lucky and had 2 last month. And this month it was suppose to come a week ago but here it is today :confetti_ball: About damn time. I have just been waiting to start so my hormones could be normal for a while before getting back on the roller coaster


Mine is every two weeks now that I’m in my mid 40s. Today is day two so after my errands for the day I am happily sitting on the couch with chips, pizza, Dr. Bronner’s Cream Soda and pizza. I am taking full advantage of this day off for rest.


From the age of 14 my cycle was like clockwork mostly , other than a couple of spells on the pill, pregnancy etc. in the past year I’ve been perimenopausal. My last cycle was three weeks late. I’m popping all my stats in a health app nowadays to try to keep track.


My tracking app keeps me sane when my hormones take over. It helps to know I am not losing my mind, just due for a new cycle.


It’s funny, I try to only eat out 2 times a month unless I have a major outing planned (not much of those these days). For past year my cycle has been a bit outta whack so I do enjoy a Jetz cheese less pizza on my first day – I’ve used my Jets ordering texts to check my cycles now when I forget to use the period app… :rofl:
@TrustyBird Enjoy your Period meal and relaxation on the couch!


I just awoke from an hour nap. :drooling_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Very nice in deed- perfect way to spend day 1 of your cycle.


I know when I’m about to get my period when I pick up a plain dark bounty bar.


Every two sounds awful. I’m every three since quitting a certain medication and it sucks.


I’ve always had terrible cycles and pains and now the older I get the worse my anxiety and mood swings become. During these times my husband doesn’t know how approach me sometimes. I feel awful in general and for him

My friend has suggested I might have PMDD but I’m not 100% sure.


The bright side is my periods are shorter but the cramps are worse. It means my end could be in sight for all of this period stuff. I’m 44.


I feel like an emotional wreck. I’m usually fine with hormonal related things, my periods are mostly regular, and what usually happens is that about a week before my period I have this day or two of anger and fury. I remember before I would always wonder, why I was so irritated at people and when my periods came, I had the famous light bulb moment! :sweat_smile:

But yesterday and today hits harder than usual. According to my period tracking app, my period should start in a week, so there’s that. But two weeks ago I had a psychiatrist appointment, and she said I could stop taking quetiapine for sleeping. I’ve only been using 25mg anyway, plus I was diagnosed with a severe sleep apnea late last year, and I’ve been using the c-pap machine for three months now, and it’s been life changing. But first of all, not having the quetiapine has had this effect on me, that I feel everything so strongly at the moment. Second, I’ve had some issues with the mask on my c-pap machine, it’s leaking quite a lot, so I’m not getting the full effect of the treatment right now. But that’s is in the process of being taken care of, I’ve been on the phone with nurses and I have an appointment for that in August.

But watching this weeks episode of Ted Lasso didn’t help much (iykyk). And then, there’s Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday and it’ll be the first one without my mum. Well, as she had Alzheimer’s she wasn’t all there for the past few years, but it does hit in the feels rn. And just now I happened to come across this poem about motherhood on this one instagram page, and I was just flooded with tears.

Just yesterday I was doing this online training for my mental health peer support work, it’s a mental health first aid course, and the topic yesterday was emotions, and learning to regulate them, and all that. Oh the timing!

Anyway, having had a good cry just now feels like a huge load was lifted. I think I needed that. I think I needed that today. :yellow_heart:


Hey love…not all our emotional roller coasters arecdue ro periods. Our hormones are playing havoc 24 hrs /7 days per week. Ive found that the older im getting the crazier this roller coaster gets.
This time around your period is on its way, your cpap machine isnts working properly (so not getting proper rest), changing your medication and on top of all that mothers day is coming up. Just give yourself a great big hug :people_hugging:! Glad you were able to have a good cry. Let out the emotions that are building up. Whatca great feeling when we can start to feel lighter.

Can you do something about getting the cpap macine fixed sooner or get a new one? Is it possible to get an even lower dosage of quetiapine? Maybe weening yourself off of it will be a better solution.
Be kind to yourself. :heart:


Awww, thank you! 🩷 It was a good and a needed cry indeed.

Unfortunately I’m not able to get an appointment sooner. They’re quite booked and understaffed at the moment. They’re getting more and more new people coming in to get the treatment also. And also for quetiapine 25mg is the lowest. But to be honest I’m sorta ok with all of this. It is what it is. I’m sure it’ll balance out soon enough. And I have some fun stuff waiting for me! Dear friend’s wedding on Saturday and then I’m off to see other friends for a few weeks in a different town.


Glad to hear that you are okay with how things are and more thrilled that you have lovely upcoming events to look forward to.
Just reach out here if things start to pile on or when you become overwhelmed.
Have a wonderful day :blush:


Thank you! :pray:t3::hugs::heart: I will!

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Oh sweety. What a ride. Sending you hugs. See you tomorrow.

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Thank you dear! :heart::pray:t3::hugs: Hugs back. And yes, see you tomorrow!! :raised_hands:t3:

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Aargh, not been on here for a while but lo and behold I started today with bleeding. So tired of the uncertainty


I am right with you. My range is 32 to 40 days. And am currently at day 38, cramps, water retention, breast hurt, but no menstruation :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: mood matching the weather and even acknowledging my mood to hormones I am somehow only looking for a tap on my back and no advices to improve my mood as this will only make me more angry.

I am happy for you that it’s started so better time is around the corner, hormonal wise.