Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I feel you girl, my periods are always so heavy too ever since I was 16 and I’m 24 now. Woke up yesterday to a bloody mess on my sheets. That’s how I start my periods every month. The doctor tells me I have a healthy womb too. Would be a blessing if I could just skip my periods :roll_eyes::joy:


Aw I’m sorry to hear that lady. For the flooding, recently I found those Tena Lady maxi night time pads really do the trick. They’re not for periods (more incontinence), but they are suuuper absorbent and I can (for the first time in my adult life) sleep a whole night through and not end up covered in blood.

My doctor also prescribes me transexamic acid (txa) which coagulates the blood and stops the heaviness - that may also be an option to look into. I hope you find something that works. Keep sharing :blush: xx


Thank you so much @SY1234 I will definitely check this out. I did buy thicker pads yesterday which did help a little last night and didn’t leak as much but I’m still going to look into more absorbent pads and tampons plus talk to my doctor about your suggestion. Thank you again :heart::blush:

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Girls, I’ve currently snowed in on Peri menopause and symptoms.

I’m following an amazing lady in Instagram who has made it her life mission to educate people about this.
Tamsen Fadal. Don’t know if you’ve heard of her, but I do recommend to check it out if you’re interested. I’ve learned a lot.

Anyway my doctor wasn’t really helpful, he basically said. Peri-menopaus, natural aging nothing we can do. I didn’t agree so I started my own research. Unfortunately the Swedish recommendations and the American ones doesn’t really agree. But I go with the American ones, they seem to work better for me.

Protein is one of those things, here they say that extra protein doesn’t really do a thing. Leading American research say it does. So for a few weeks I’ve added extra protein to my meals, and I do feel better.
I’ve also uses to be very careful with what I eat and how much because I’ve struggled with weight gain for a while. My extra protein (for example three eggs instead of one) seems to actually help with that too.

Usually I have a banana for breakfast but this week’s I added a diary free protein shake with that banana I didn’t got any hunger or blood sugar cravings early in the afternoon.

As most of you guys know by know I’m allergic to dairy, soy, peanuts and nuts. And have celiac within a few other allergies ao my food is pretty limited already. Therefore I don’t skip carbs. Which seems to work for me.

Also I’ve changed my normal exercise to walking and stretching. I mostly do the stretching in the shower when the muscles are warm.

Least but not last I want to add in on the heavy period discussion.
For me,period panties for heavy flow is what have worked best. They are a bit expensive (I have like ten pairs by now) but they won’t leak and I don’t have to worry while wearing them.

I’ve tried a lot of different ones, the ones I currently use is made from Bamboo and from a brand called Comfydence.

And the last tip,if you want to eat that chocolate. Eat it :blush: just don’t overdo it.

Hope this was at least a little bit helpful.


Currently struggling with perimenopause and hormones. The mood swings are really affecting me right now (and the poor people around me). I feel out of control and I also feel like I have unmanaged stress that is making it all worse. It really feels like a kick in the face. I’ve worked on my sobriety (almost 600 days) and I do all the good things for myself like yoga, meditation, exercise, clean eating, sleep hygiene and my body is just revolting. Seriously frustrated :persevere:


Ugh, I’m sorry. Sobriety is tough enough without adding in hormones that make us feel bloated, stabby and insane. I don’t know the answer but I do feel your pain. I hope a pillow scream or a long walk with ice cream is in your future. Hang on. 🩷


I’m with you, here come hugs galore :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:
I had this ups and downs horrific moodswings for years. Hope yours go away sooner :pray:


Did anyone’s period become very irregular after quitting drinking? Mine seem really heavy and I’ve had a couple now that were way early. Just started one nine days early.


Woke up bloated like a balloon :sob: I had some awful sugar cravings yesterday evening and gave in.
Yesterday was good, today awful.
Perimenopause is no joke :face_holding_back_tears:


We’re in the same boat :sunflower:
Today all I want to do is set the world on fire :cry:


I so feel you. Peri is my personal nemesis. Wrecks everything. But you know what they say: It’s just a few years :wink:


I hope so, I was told it can last up to 10 years :cry:


Strike 1 for Knix period panties. I havent bled thru my pants since i was a teenager. Thanks knix.
(Good product, just didnt anticipate i needed a heavy variety)

This could go on the FRO thread but periods and them always changing can FRO. Ya feel like you know your flow and rhythm then BAM life happens


I’m feeling so much like a ‘normal’ person right now; hopeful, proactive, no victim mentality… But I can see that in 11 days ( about 5 days with the PMS) I will swing right back to a place that I hate; sad, restless, victim mentality, in pain both physically and mentally.

Grrrrrrr! :angry:

I’m cherishing this week at least.


I’m curious. I see these advertised. What’s their attraction? Why do so many want to use them instead of a tampon?

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The beauty of Peri-menopaus, you never know.
I usually wear Libresse period panties for heavy flow. Same thing happened to me last time. So now I’ve secured it with a Libresse pad. Kinda defeat the environmental aspects of period panties, but since it’s only for like the 2nd day I try to convince myself that It’s not so bad at least.


Sorry for hijacking the thread.
Personally, I’ve never been a fan of tampons, even if I used it for many years.
It dries my out.
Not a fan of pads either l, I think I might be allergic to the glue or something.
Then I discovered menstrual cups, and used that for many years.
No dryness, a little messy but still good.
Then I started to get problem with those as well, it felt like they didn’t really fit anymore.

And during that time the period panties started to become popular over here. So I decided to try, bought a pair expensive as heck $40 for one pair. A few years ago, realized that I would need a few more to even make it work. Luckily I found muktipacks in one of our low price stores. So now I’ve got 9 pairs in different sizes for different flow.

No mess with tampons or trash, no mess with rinsing the menstrual cup.
Just wear them as normal underwear, change when they get to full, during really heavy flow that’s like twice a day. Put them in the laundry and get another pair on. No one can tell you’re on your period because they basically look like normal panties. And for me, it feels more natural that way.

Unfortunately as I previously wrote I now somedays get a flow so heavy that I need a pad as well. But it’s only for like the 2nd day. The rest of the days I just wear my period panties and don’t have to worry.
It doesn’t get to warm either.
Besides the price, I’m very satisfied.


Thank you, @MrsOdh not hijacking at all! I appreciate what you had to say. Makes good sense. After I asked cjp I saw further up in the thread that you use them also and was very much hoping you would chime in. Thanks

One of these days the periods will be gone. Bye, bye, and adios.

In my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s I had heavy, super awful painful, horrible cramping periods, level ten migraines from even earlier than that. And now it’s all gone.


Sounds good to me. I’ve honestly never had a problem with my period or period pain until I hit peri-menopaus.

Always light easy and not painful before that.
Luckily I was late as a teen as well (probably due to drug abuse and underweight) didn’t got my period at all until I was nearly 17. :blush:


Its kinda liberating using period panties! No need to change tampons thru out the day and that potential discomfort. Sure its good for environment but i like em bc theyre easy. I have like 5 pairs lite and heavy flow to get me thru shark week