Women's hormonal roller-coaster

@Sabrina80 I know that feeling all too well girl !!!

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Grrrr, I snapped at my husband about his driving today and have chosen to feel shitty about it for most of my morning. Lets let that shite go, shall we. :roll_eyes:


My gosh i am one angry little woman today…really unlike me, ive not had a period for months as they stopped pretty much once i got the implant, its due to be changed tho so think it must have stopped working because im really heavy flow at the moment…lots of pain too, ugh


I feel you. I feel like I’ve been an angry little woman for the entire of this year… :rofl:

Hope you feel better soon, I’m through with periods now.


Always something to moan about with a partner’s driving though… Don’t know if you get Delivery drivers EVERYWHERE on mopeds and bikes, but in London it’s a full time job not to hit them. I can only assume they are playing Mario kart AND THINK THEY HAVE INFINITE LIVES.


You know when someone says to you…did you get out of the wrong side of bed today?? -thats me in a nutshell today :rofl:


Our car is a stick shift and he drives it like she has unlimited gears. Focus, pick the correct gear and be kind. She is our only car at the moment and this is a chronic point of contention since she is “my” car. Egad. :massage_woman:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


I feel like the fatest balloon in town.

I know…
And remember, it’s just that day 24 shit!
Rebirth is in sight.


My cycle is coming to its end, sometime :roll_eyes: and I’ve got everything from awful moods to endless cravings. And the resentment, boy oh boy.
I don’t want to work, don’t want to relax, don’t want to go out, don’t want to stay home, don’t want to eat, want to eat all day…
This is driving me crazy. I know my mood will not change by doing or not doing whatever. Nonetheless… Argh!

I think I’m going to watch some anime and call it a day…


Heyyy! I love this thread, such a good idea.

My periods are disastrous - have been since I was 15. 20 years later they are, if anything, worse. In a nutshell, my medical history reads: you have endometriosis, oh wait no you don’t. You have a really healthy womb. Oh no, something’s not right there. You have polyps, cysts and fibroids, we will remove those for you BUT not without perforating your uterus at the same time. Then I was told I might has polycystic ovaries. THEN a male doctor told me nothing was wrong at all, I was just “unfortunate”. Now, I have polyps and a fibroid again. And they’re doing blood tests. My periods are so heavy and so painful. Every. Month. They suck!

Why is women’s health still so underserved and secondary? Years and years of telling medical staff something isn’t right yet no closer to an answer. :pensive:


Maybe next time I shouldn’t try to build an app on day 28 of my cycle. I was a nerveless wreck about to throw the laptop off the balcony. Then seeing the upload taking over 30 min for 66 MB. I am so angry. And now my blood sugar explodes when I only look at carbs. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::triumph:


I am so confused at the end of my cycle my code is going to be 100% garbage. The funniest thing is to look at this stuff a few days later asking myself: What demented nitwit came up with that?!


I’m due in a day and am at that tricky intersection of elation, wanting to cry, wanting to go back to sleep or really conquering my day off. I’m choosing reading with a book until those waves subside.


I’m having my fake period before my period… :face_vomiting:


It turned into a very lazy day here and maybe that is just what I needed. I slept late, read some, grocery shopped, napped and will now eat again. I’m like a bear who knows how to access technology.


Day 22 of my cycle and all the stuff is kicking in. Hating myself and not seeing sence in life anymore. Ohh damn… I should not listen to my thoughts these days!


What a nice picture :bear:

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It is exactly how I feel on my restful days. :joy:

Hang in there. Those hormones can be monsters but they do back down eventually.

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It helps me to remember that my brain is responding to signals and that is why I am having the thoughts. We aren’t crazy, just responding to signals.
Do whatever you need to do, minus relying on old coping mechanisms like drinking, to make it through your day. Sending hugs. 🩷


To report about the positive…
Day 4 and I feel like a feather, calm gut, smooth bones, glowy skin, shining eyes deep from inside, happy and relaxed.

Yeah to day 2 to day 21 :sweat_smile::fist:t2::hibiscus::tulip::rose: