Women's hormonal roller-coaster

PMF (premonstual farts) can fro! Please tell me I’m not the only one :sweat_smile:


Hahaha :rofl::joy::rofl: you are claiming that one Mischa.

Well I have all the joy of period pains and heaviness and mood disorder but no period yet. I’m so happy I get this all over again when the period decides to finally start :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I fart 1000x more right before my period too!!


Don’t need to be on a period . Farting more happens and I am 61


Menstrual pain from hell again.
And it’s not even the “right” time at the month.

This time it’s also not my leg that hurts which it usually is. But my entire lower back and front.

It kinda explains my downside mood the past days. But there where no other signs, that my period should start (again)

It’s getting more and more irregular, and more and more annoying.

This peri-menopaus thing sure is interesting it never stops surprising me.

If this is going to keep up for 10 years, like some say it will it’ll probably drive me crazy :joy:

I mean more crazy than I already am.

Luckily my periods never lasts long, but who knows this time.

Doctors here won’t do anything to help “It’s just a part of natural aging, there’s nothing we can do”

Thinking about maybe ordering some hormone boosting natural meds non prescripted online, but note sure I’m brave enough.

Read that soy milk can help but it’s not an option since I’m highly allergic to soy. We’re talking that kind of allergy that’ll make you end up not breathing in the ER here, and they’re already starting to get tired of me and my “tryouts” :joy:

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:


13 days to go until the bloodbath starts, the rage I feel today is out of control.
Every tiny bit makes my insides boil.
I’m on my way home now and really hope nothing gets in my way bc RAGE :rage::fire::comet:


Let’s get crazy together :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I feel you so so much! I’m currently searching a Dr who knows what perimenopausal problems are and what to do against them. There IS definitely something that can be done.
I highly recommend the book woman on fire.


Thank you, I’ll check that one out.
And as a recommendation
If you aren’t following Tamsenfadal on Instagram if you have an account check her out.

She’s a real peri-menopaus/menopaus voice for all of us.

And you feel less lonely seeing that there’s woman all over the world who goes through pretty much the same thing.


I’ve been on HRT for about a year now and it does help. The symptoms are not gone, but I have a life again.


Maaaaaan, this feels like the best place to post this but I am having day 2 of my period and a rough fucking day. I was anxious for a party, one of my best girlfriend’s since 6th grade’s parties and my car almost died on the way there because I haven’t serviced it in 2 years. Then instead of Ubering or making it out to the party that was a 20 minute drive I gaslit myself to make myself think I’d imagined the whole thing and that I was just being a whiner or a chicken. Then I made myself feel guilty all day for not going.

I ended up spending 8 hours on the couch rather than with people who fill my soul that I love so deeply. Who I have also been avoiding lately. Why do I do that to myself? I avoid things that actually make me feel better and run toward the shitty stuff.

Then since my husband and I share a car I offered to pick him up from work. He said he was fine but he had a 30 minute walk ahead of him and carries like $700 in his pocket (bartender, always carries too much cash) through some sketch areas at 2 am. I went to pick him up, in the sketchy driving car, even though he didn’t want me to because I would worry about him if I didn’t. And then he was mad and probably rightfully so. I was babying him and I hate when people do that to me.

I’m crying myself to sleep tonight for the first time in what feels like a while, quietly because if I talk to anyone in person about this I will never fucking stop crying. Even though I can’t really grasp why I’m crying in the first place. WTF is wrong with me? I feel like I will always choose isolation over connection in life even though I know with 100% certainty that connection works. I really thought sobriety helped my moods, and I know it does, but today is a massive down dive. Fuck hormones. Tomorrow will be better. Good night all, thanks for the venting space. I have exhausted myself and my tears. Tomorrow my eyes will be massively swollen all day too. Fuuuuck. :pensive::angry::tired_face:


Hey there,
sending you hugs. I hope you got a good sleep regardless of the things going through your head and heart. It’s so good to let it all out in a safe space :purple_heart:

There’s nothing wrong with you. Life sneaks up on us sometimes and hormones clouding our judgement really does not help, does it? You say you keep choosing isolation. That sounds like a coping mechanism. Can you trace back it’s origins in your past? When you isolate, can you identify feelings and thoughts? It might help you understand why you act certain ways.


I hear you.
My husband and I have been trying for children for over two years now with 1 miscarriage and no success. We have had all the fertility testing done and its been diagnosed as “unexplained infertility”. Love that…
I think I struggle the most with my sobriety during my period because my brain goes, “well you’re not pregnant this month so what’s the harm??”
July 3rd I made the decision to attempt sobriety to help with our chances of having kiddos. Keeping my fingers crossed that it makes a difference.


Welcome to the forum @MrsSlinky!
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage and fertility challenges. Glad you made the decision to stop drinking. When we stop putting poison into our bodies, amazing things happen health wise.
Hope to see ya around the forum and wishing you the best on your journey (both sobriety and fertility).


Welcome to the community friend. So sorry to hear about your struggles with conceiving.

Yeah to giving sobriety a chance! Your body will be given a chance to heal and get healthy – hoping for positive good results for you. :pray: :hugs:


I’m sorry friend. Do remember that you are only on day 2 of your cycle and emotions can be at an all time high.

Having issues with the car would have had me turned around and skipping the get together too. I am sorry your mind played such games with you yesterday. Hope you are doing better today.

I know that I find myself needing space even from my loved ones. Even being around people I adore can be draining at times. Right now I find myself being more selfish and feeling better about it.

Sending massive hugs your way. Fuck hormones! Hope it helped to vent and cry it out. Cucumber slices have helped me soothe the eyes.


Thanks for the reply. I think I isolate because I learned early that emotions aren’t meant to be shared. I try to handle everything myself and then when that doesn’t work, which it never does, I breakdown.

I think I feel better after venting and sleeping many hours and I am going to delegate the car fixes to my husband.

Yesterday was dark but today is brighter. Thank you.


Thanks Jazzy. Me eyes are swollen to three times their usual size. Cucumbers are in my future.



Is it possible to be all 7? :rofl:


Of course. I’m that on my period. Don’t even want to think what menopause would be like :melting_face::grimacing:

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and then some… :roll_eyes: :rofl:

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