Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I’m the same…not looking forward to menopause

Menopause sounds great, this peri-menopaus s**t in the other hand is not so great.

If god does exist this better not take ten years :laughing:


Peri sucks on a level I had not anticipated. I am already on HRT and it still is the joy of my days :rage:
The good part is when my cycle pauses for a few weeks and I start feeling like a normal human being again. :dancer:
The worst is when it cycles on a two/three week schedule :face_vomiting:
I envy all my friends who are through with this shit.


I was just talking about this with my best friend! Shes fairly active, I am trying to be better lately, and we both work out a few times a week now. Then last week, we both had our time of the month at similar times and we both came home mentally and physically exhausted before we even had packed our gym bags lol! We basically both separately went from early rising, ass kicking girl bosses to laying on the couch in a robe, needing so much extra comfort just to do the basics. Its so annoying and so unspoken about! Sometimes my periods feel worse then a hangover!!


I had one of the roughest emotional days yesterday I’ve had in a while. I woke up depressed, I was irritable at everyone, even kindness made me angry. And then I checked my period app and realized I wasn’t insane just due for my period in the next two days.


I just started taking probiotics a week ago so I did a quick internet search and all the results were happy la la that probiotics can only help PMS symptoms, which made me furious. :wink:

Its so nice to know I’m not losing my mind, just hormonal.


No HRT here the doctors pretty much says there’s nothing they can or want to do, because it’s a part of aging.
Going to talk to my new nurse about it,she seems more open for new ideas.

I’ve never ever had a problem with my period before peri-menopaus, but now the pain is extreme and the amount as well. Luckily it usually only last about three days, but that’s three days when I can’t do anything.

And then there’s all the other things on top of that. If I wasn’t crazy before, I might be after this :joy:


This is just misogynistic BS. Women have been suffering from the symptoms of perimenopause in the most terrible ways - mental, physical. There are now pharmaceutical options available and I think that every woman has the right to have access to them and decide herself if she wants to try them or not.
Gynecological guidlines all over the world cite HRT as the first order of treatment for women suffering from their perimenopausal symptoms but doctors everywhere refuse to take them seriously.
My gynecologist dismissed my symptoms several times with all kinds of excuses and test that don’t even make any sense. I was truly desperate and then changed the gyn and got the meds.
I am grateful for that but also appaled how many doctors refuse to treat women appropriately.

If you want to go the “part of aging” route then we should let all men die of heart attacks and never prescribe statins or blood preasure meds. That’s just in their biology.


Japan is the same. No pain relief for birth, no HRT because they are ‘natural’. It is changing, but slowly and few and expensive.


UK the same. Add endometriosis into the mix as a magical ‘woman’ problem that can’t be fixed too.


Today my coworker was at the Gynecologist to get checked for perimenopause.
Well, they only talked a bit, not more.
She said that the estrogen has to be low to be sure it’s perimenopause and the bleeding must be irregular.
My coworker has all the symptoms, not as bad as I do. Our cycle is constant.
Sometimes I hate Doctors :facepunch:


Sorry, this is total BS. Mysoginistic BS in the doctor’s head.

The current gynecological guidlines state very clearly that perimenopause cannot be determined by measuring estrogen levels. That’s the thing about perimenopause: those levels change dramatically throughout the day. There is no objectively measurable way to “check for perimenopause” in medical terms.

Treatment of perimenopausal symptoms is dependent on the symptoms and how much they disturb the patient’s daily life. There are different options, one of them being HRT.

If the doctor does not provide any helpful remedies I’d suggest to change the doctor.


I need to find those guidelines and smash it on the desk of every Gynecologist who does what the Gynecologist of my coworker does :triumph::triumph::triumph:
It’s really hard to find one who knows how to treat perimenopause.

She now does what her Dr told her, go to other Doctors like a rheumatologist (and others) to find out what’s wrong.
I’ll not interfere with that bc it’s her body and I can understand that she listens to her Gynecologist and not to me.
Sad tho :worried:

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There is nothing wrong with checking with other specialists, but if you want to research this in German I suggest the keywords

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
  • perimenopause
  • Leitlinie

And the period monster is here, which explains a lot. I’m not actually that surprised that I’m actually ‘surprised’ every month that I feel crazy and think I’m crazy. I’ve had a bad two weeks, going on a bad month really… which coincides with my therapy review coming up soon. I can’t honestly say I feel :100: better, which is disappointing really. But then I wonder if I expected a quick fix and to suddenly evolve into an emotionally mature, peaceful and settled person?? :exploding_head:

Trusting the process just makes me want a new process.


Didn’t though I’d get any period this month, but here we go again. No warning symptoms no extreme period pain yet.
And of course the dates doesn’t make sense again. From really early considering what used to be normal the last few months, to incredible late this month. Which kinda means back to how it used to be before it started to get really early.

Nothing make sense anymore :joy:
It’s interesting for sure. Guess I should give up trying to track anything but I need to know, I like to plan and be prepared, which in this case seems to be impossible.

And after my mini fainting episode at the hairdresser yesterday my new doctor now thinks I’m having panic attacks. She says that I should stop worrying and stop trying to control everything. Guess this would be a good start :laughing:


I’m on board for sure. This is def an issue I think a lot of women have but are to embarrassed to talk about. Ive been dealing with an all over the place cycle since I got clean almost 9 months ago. I almost wonder if it could cause you to go into early premenopause? Does anyone have any info on this?

Doc put me on birth control but I’ve talked to several women that said they wished they wouldn’t of stayed on it as they got older. Any suggestions?

For my perimenopausal girls on here, I found a mix of supplements that helped me feel like a human again.
I take: agnus castus (monk’s pepper), selenium, zinc, omega 3 and magnesium.

Since taking this combination regularly my energy came back, I’m no longer tired in the afternoon. I also can focus way better again now.

For sleep I found a melatonin that works just right. I keep on waking up around 3 but not as often as I used to.

Maybe this helps some of you who weren’t able to find a Gynecologist who knows what to do yet (like me hehe) :blush:


Thank you.
I’ll check that.
Here it’s not so much that they don’t know what to do, they just don’t care because it’s “natural aging”

Me too wakes up around 03.00 mostly because I have to pee or having a hot flash. But it’s okey. I’ve never slept much anyway :blush:

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I forgot something!
Iron plus vitamin C! Take both together because your body can absorb iron way better when taken with vitamin C :kissing_heart: