Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Yes, fire walk with me :fire::fire:


The muscles are what are now giving me issues, so I may face a hysterectomy sooner as well. Good point on pointing out the muscles…kegels can be helpful for some issues.

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Oh, may I ask why hysterectomy is recommended for muscle issues?

When your cervix and /or uterus is no longer supported via the muscles it can drop into your vaginal canal.

Edited to add: it is called a prolapsed uterus.


Well that sucks, but I’ve heard it happens to especially ladies with several birthgivings :worried:


Yes, it can be caused by a lot of pregnancies and/or severe straining during childbirth (like who isn’t severely straining??).

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Haha, true. Except maybe when done by cesarian

Well, I did end up having a cesarean, but that was after a good 20+ hours of pushing. I guess that is a silver lining for those with a planned cesarean.

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Yes there definitely is a big difference. One of mine was a planned cesarean and I thought then that it would be quite a show to have them both ways combined :sweat_smile:


My thoughts too. And another thing is our bacteria. Have red some interesting stuff about it and how it affects not only our body but mind.

I have probably messed up my sugar metabolism with heavy drinking back in the years…


The human body is like a biological chemical computer .it’s incredible and extremely fascinating, it’s why I’m studying biochemistry in September. Vitamin D is a hormone, activated by sunlight. messing with artificial hormones (or anything artificial) and there will be pathways in the body that will eventually suffer/stop working. The body will aim to balance itself, as nature does, but there is sacrifice. :pray:


Human bodies are absolutely riddled with bacteria and viruses, :joy:…there’s a famous book on the link between gut bacteria and autism, and of course there is the things about the stomach being the first ‘brain’ as it gives signals TO the brain (by hormone signalling!) Not the brain TO the gut,And the ‘gut feelings’ and ‘going with your gut’…

Book :open_book: ; GAPS Gut And Physiology Syndrome http://www.doctor-natasha.com/


Enjoy. I have a master in biochemistry :innocent:


Oh WOW :heartbeat:… I’m really looking forward to it :blush:. It’s quite hard but I have enjoyed learning and making new pathways in my brain :grin:

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Keep in mind that the second word is the main word. In BSc it was mostly Chemistry and a bit biology, well it was in my university.


Yup… I just finished a foundation year in biology chemistry and data handling and chemistry I liked the most and did quite well in exams too luckily,so I applied to a different university as the one I was on was for biomedical science and they haven’t a biochemistry course… :blush::fist_right::fist_left:


I thought I’d be most cranky right before my cycle, but I’ve realized I’m super high anxiety right in the middle! So crazy tracking and learning about moods and cycles, it shows what a big part hormones play.


Thanks for the book recommendation @Hazy :pray: I’ve also red about similar findings that our gut-brain connection is very intense. It really makes sense! I’ve also studied ancient Ayurvedic medicine, which is based on balanced gut health principles.

Also, this book opened my eyes: Soki Choi’s
Kombucha and Kimchi: How Probiotics and Prebiotics Can Improve Brain Function. It’s not all about kombucha or kimchi :roll_eyes:, but claims there’s a connection between messed up microbiome and depression, anxiety, adhd, autism etc.

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Absolutely, ‘we ARE,what we EAT’…which literally speaking is providing a good environment for good organisms which thrive therefore making the body thrive…if you took away all the body parts and zoomed in all the ‘live’ organisms in the body that would be interesting!..I liked researching about viruses and where they started and how the developed along with bacteria to live together . Viruses don’t want to harm humans,they just want to live with us :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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Yes, like an unwanted date :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: