Women's hormonal roller-coaster

It’s worth an ask. Keep searching…it took me a long time to find a doctor but it is worth it. Sending you a hug.


Thank you for the hugs :heart:


I was put on the pill once while on the implant to try and control irregular spotting. Omg it was TERRIBLE. I was all over the place. Lots of shouting and crying. Apparently I do not need any more estrogen in my system :sweat_smile:


What did they do to control the spotting? Just the implant?

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I just had some ovulation pains (Mittelschmerz) today. It was a pinch low on the left side. It was fairly painful but not debilitating or anything. It was just quite uncomfortable walking around the grocery store. :joy:. It lasted about 15-20 minutes.

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Hey this is interesting (although not nice at all). I have problems with my glycaemia but I’ve never connected that with my hormonal cycle :thinking:

I’m thinking of hysterectomy too as one possibility to end this suffering. Many people say they can live without uterus, but need to take special / regular care of important muscles down there


It is. Very. Highly connected. Progesterone causes peripheral insulin resistance which occurs in the second halve of the cycle. When my management was overall chaotic I didn’t notice it amongst all the chaos. But I need in general 20 % more insulin, carbs cause a huge increase of. Glycemia some days before. Then all comes annoyingly slowly back to normal. But w/o controlling the eating my numbers would just skyrocket causing more resistance due to insulin lack.


I’m not friends with artificial hormones. They drive me into something next to a serial killer


Dull ovary pain and confused mind. Not fun.

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I found the depo injection (progestogen) was OK for me. I came off all contraceptives for a while after the implant/ pill horror combo and went back to the injection with no noticeable difference to my moods. And for me, no periods was a bonus. Although now I am off contraceptives again I am finding some appreciation for the natural flow of things.

So interesting how these things all affect us so differently!


I was on the implant which I think was the likely cause of the irregularities. But they added the pill to try and help things. I can’t remember if it helped with my cycle or not, I just remember it being a terrible, terrible time!

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I would imagine belly dance would be quite good as that’s a lot of pelvis/ hips/ abdominal movement but pretty low impact and go at your own pace.


It’s maybe off topic but walking through the mud I have time to think. How illusional sometimes we think things are working. I mean hormones are such powerful substances controlling all parts of our physiology. Interconnected all over the place. When we screw a bit there it will influence very likely somewhere else. It’s a fascinating thing, our body, nature in general. We think we can easily understand but it is so fucking complex. I am a huge fan of insulin, it is a big point in my life. Sorry if I am writing about it so much. It is such an important hormone that you only notice when it’s absent. Our body’s can compensate for long times until they can’t. Fascinating.


Thank you! This must be the reason I’m after sugary shit during the second half. And it always causes me trouble


True dat. Have to Google that depo thing too…

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Yeah I’ve done oriental dance years ago and it’s great. Now I swear to my daily breathing exercise which does wonders :blush:

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I switched on notification for ovulation on Clue. I’m curious to know if I would get some feelings or sensations when it’s happening.


Let us know if you recognise something :blush:

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