Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Yes! I can understand that. My cycle is unpredictable and it’s so frustrating to be like just get it over with Mother Nature. Hopefully soon. I feel less angry today but the cramps, ugh
@siand i know most scripts I see are for the ferrous sulfate but I would ask a pharmacist to see which is best for you. I know b12 helps with energy and is available over the counter. On the rx side, the side effects don’t happen to everyone or maybe they can be remedied with an otc medicine like pepto. I love consulting with the pharmacist because they know the chemical sides of the drugs so much better than doctor. Which is crazy but docs just prescribe it Rph’s deal with it day in and out. I hope you find something to help. Being tired all the time sucks


This is a real thing and we’ve been socialized not to talk about it like we should be ashamed or it’s bad but we honestly physically cannot control it! I find myself getting manic sometimes and then realize it’s right before my cycle. I almost have to lock myself in my room some days! The struggle is real!!


Little update - spoke to the pharmacist yesterday and she suggested going back to the GP and asking for the prescription iron to get the ferritin levels up properly. As anything over the counter is pretty low dose and unlikely to work quickly, especially if my levels have been low for 8+ years.


Interesting. Here in Finland we get all iron supplements over the counter. Funny how it varies. Wish you luck with your GP appointment and that you will find a good supplement to improve your condition. I’m gonna get an infusion in Thursday, so looking forward to better health and energy :crossed_fingers:Will also get medication to stop the monthly floating


Thanks Hanna. Hope the infusion goes well and gives you a boost quickly! Is this something you’ve been dealing with for a while?


Thank you @siand ! Yes, for 3 years now. During my whole sobriety and probably longer.
Meanwhile in Helsinki…


My period finally arrived, almost 4 weeks late! Was beginning to panic! And like clockwork, feel more positive and proactive even with the cramps.


Yay!! I love that feeling. Mine still isn’t here :woman_facepalming:t2: I’m thinking any day now or hoping lol

How are you feeling after the infusion?

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Thanks for checking me up @siand :blush:still adjusting. Body and brains are getting used to sudden increase of iron, but I’m very optimistic about it. Things should somewhat stabilize in 6 weeks. I was also prescribed a medicine that would block the monthly Niagara a little. We’ll see…

How is your energy and everything?

About my Vitex Angus castus experiment I started some months ago: have to say it changed something, but not necessarily for better :sweat_smile: the cycle went nuts instead of being clockwise. PMS symptoms were slightly milder though :roll_eyes:


Ladies, as menopause is hitting me hard with hot flushes, mood swings and - thanks God! - rarely period, I would like to leave something to smile about it here … :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


For 3: even if you don’t have a dryer :joy:


I’m in the same boat. Tried one of the medicines once the doc recommended and had a super bad reaction! ((Heard voices)) so I was like NOPE! :joy::tired_face:

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I can physically feel a difference in my uterus area and it’s uncountable, also painful but not quite. I found a warm bath or compression helps. I just start feeling different. :sweat_smile:

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I’ve been manic and depressed the last couple days and just ready for my damn cycle to start. I’m unbearable and almost want to lock myself up away from everyone but I still have to work and take care of kids. It’s awful!!!


Missed this! Glad to hear you’re feeling hopeful, interested to hear the difference it makes for you.

I decided to just wait until my next blood test in November. The floradix supplement seems to have lifted the worst of the fatigue. Don’t exactly feel energetic but it’s manageable!


This. We have to function like “normal people” whether we have pains and unstable mind or not. It’s not fair…


I’m happy if you get helped by floradix or other supplements. Just keep taking it. Floradix was my favourite but didn’t help to raise my levels.

Now the levels are up ofcourse because of the recent ferinject and I have some odd better days as regards energy and clearer thinking. I know it will take time as I have been deficient for so long.
The only thing bothering me is that Ive had bad daily head aches since the infusion (they get worse during my periods, surprise). This might have to do with my chronic illness in brains. :exploding_head:

Oh, and I was described a med that should help with extra bleeding. Well, I’m not very impressed by its effects…

Would be nice to hear if you’re ferritine has improved when you get the test results @siand :slightly_smiling_face:


You may well be aware of this, but when I was looking for cups, period pants, cotton pads etc I saw quite a few people who said that disposable tampons, pads etc can make periods heavier. I think because of the materials/ chemicals. Don’t know how true that is as it was all anecdotal evidence but figure it doesn’t hurt to mention it :grin:

How are the headaches?

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Fucking late for my period. Hating it. Guess it’s the stress and the inner tension. Feeling the urge to get rid of any appointments or visits for next weeks.