Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Good point @siand :v: They affect probably as all xenoestrogens and chemical stuff interfering our natural balance. I just joined an online course which is about eating, supplements, exercise etc aiming for hormonal balance. It’s in Finnish but I will report you if there are any valuable findings :wink:
Headaches… they come and go, not a surprise they are worse before periods. And some migraine shit… :unamused:

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I know the feeling sister @anon74766472. Ive tried to build up my schedule according to my cycle but it’s not anymore possible due to irregularity. So I can only guess and pray I won’t be having any important tasks, meetings or so during the worst days. It’s almost like preparing for a war :sweat_smile:


Haha, so true. I was having some cramps yesterday at the beginning of cycling and although I hate it I was thinking, yeah, finally. But noo. At least atm it’s okay as I will have a surgery in less than 3 weeks and when I will have my period soon, at least I will be in a good phase for both glycemia control (insulin resistance) and pain perception. So fingers crossed it’ll come next week. Day 42 :expressionless:


It’s been an interesting weekend. I got REALLY emotional on Friday and started craving all sorts of food that are not good for me (I have issues with heartburn, seen a doctor about it). That can happen right before my menses start and I’ve learnt that it’s better to go with it than try to fight my urges or “get a grip”. Then I checked my calendar and I’m still 1 week away from my period??! WTF??

How much can one blame on their cycle?? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Good luck with your periods arriving soon and the coming surgery :+1::muscle::crossed_fingers:
Will it be a big operation?

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@Olivia sometimes I wonder that too… I’ve had a lot of cravings since the daylight started to decrease… Suppose cycle and hormones are part of a bigger picture. In case you don’t mind some unicorn farts, I’ve studied Indian Ayurveda and according to that it may sound like you’ve excess heat in your system. So anything that cools down your mind and body might be beneficial :sunglasses:


Yeah, guess so. I’ll keep you informed once it’s done. It arrived. Hallelujah :pray::sunglasses:


Ha! Practical psychology :smiley:

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Yes, please keep us informed and all the best for a smooth and effective operation :hugs:


Yeah, now I am a calm and happy person :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::innocent::joy:

Well, maybe tomorrow


Splendid :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I’m not passive aggressive, only passive, so I would deeply need this t shirt


Thanks for the tip! I think I found the reason for my problem :joy: The truth is in Pinterest


Started today. EVERYTHING is annoying me! The people in the hotel above me stayed up all night and they walk like damn elephants so only a bit of sleep. I had my white noise on and could still hear them. So inconsiderate. It’s 5am here now and I’m pretty sure they just went to bed. Also probably explains part of why I’ve been emotional, craving, and eating sweets like crazy the past few days


Checking in here and read around: Ladies, I feel with all you :hugs:

I’ve been off period now for 3 months and the heat flushes set in … holy cow, WTF. I also gained weight. (maybe not only because of hormonal roallercoaster binge eating. I refuse to move when I don’t have to, I literally hate any form of sports or even a walk at the moment, I only like bed, office, sofa and car).
The mood swings are bearable but I have to take me off everything that annoys me. self care and mental health first :eyes:
I recently noticed a new clarity about things I want and don’t, so maybe the heat flushes burnt down some vail in my mind and thoughts :blush::hot_face::cold_face::woozy_face::grin:


My first period since being sober. I’m dying. Emotional roller coaster and the worst cramps and body aches. Wine use to help with my cramps. Help :pleading_face:
Any tips or advice would be so appreciated


Some ibuprofen and a warm compress for your cramps. I like to put it on my belly but for some it also works if you put it on your lower back. I use a clay pad that can be heated in the microwave.
Hopefully your emotions will feel better tomorrow. The day after day 1 I always feel a bit better


I definitely forgot about heating pads I think I have one somewhere. Thank you for the reminder :heart: Today is day one and it’s always the worst for me.


Me also! I always feel so run down, bloated, cranky, and the cramps :roll_eyes: I’m glad you have a heating pad. :relaxed:


I thought maybe the not drinking would help the cramps. Nope not at all haha. Yes I found it and it is freaking glorious. Thank you!


You are so welcome! I’m glad I was able to help. Have a good night :relaxed:

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