Working on working out #2

New mantra! As I head down to my treadmill today.


Spot on, @RosaCanDo. Taking a rest day and feel good that I’m actually bummed by that. Taken a few weeks, but I look forward to it now!

But just did like 10 days in a row, ramping up the whole time. :grimacing:


Well done! I bet it feels good to have a healthy habit established. I’m just getting back started this week and the fact that pain is not preventing me from walking on the treadmill is great!

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I love it… although they’re not cheap. I got a good deal at the time I ordered online. I figured cheaper than gym membership in long run (and no gym near me). Sold my treadmill to buy it as I wasn’t using it. My knees are happier rowing. Such a great workout that I actually enjoy. Just need to do it more :joy:


Thanks! They’re only making the model D in black right now for $900 + shipping from Concept. I could pay more on Amazon and have it already but I’ll wait. It’s gonna crowd up my gym, that’s the only reason i was thinking about not getting one. We have a recumbent bike and i had an elliptical but i sold that.

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Nice! I have a black model D too :blush:


45 minutes of rowing, soundtrack courtesy of Stella's Music Share… dance, dance, dance.

Close eyes, lean in, breathe out, lean out, breathe in, and go… :pray: :muscle:


Early Saturday morning gym time. Workouts is a necessity for my sobriety and sanity as is routine. Staying laserfocused. Staying safe staying fighting and staying strong.

Anyone else with workout selfies?

Have a great weekend friends. Each of you are in my thoughts and daily prayers (I truly mean that).


Hiked Saturday, but losing a little steam honestly. Did 30 mins yesterday and today. Felt good once it was done! It’s something anyway.

Need a strategy for something during work lunches. :thinking: You’d think it’d be so easy when working from home. Hell, couple years ago I was doing push ups at work in my office.

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